Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Tennis Social- Farmington Valley Area (Avon, Granby, Simsbury, West Hartford, Canton, Farmington)

Hey Everyone!

My friend Jen and I are trying to create a Tennis Social group that would meet periodically throughout the summer on Friday nights from 7:45-10:15 PM at Farmington Valley Racquet Club in Simsbury, CT.

We think that it would be great opportunity for local players from around the area to get together and meet one another by playing a variety of different doubles matches with a new partner each time. Afterwards you are more than welcome to bring your own drinks and snacks and socialize with the people you just met and exchange contact information to hit at a future date.

The cost is only $20 for the full 2 hours and we will provide some drinks and snacks but we encourage you to bring your own as well.
If anyone is looking for some new people to hit with this summer then please comment on this thread to show your interest or even better comment with your email address so we can add you to our email list for future events!
We are really excited about the potential of this event and would love to see it grow!

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I would be interested



Thanks Joe! I'll add you to the list!


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