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As I read through blogs, forums, myspace bulletins I get this sense that their is a increasing number of Christians falling away. Dissatisfied with church as usual and not feeling anything they become apathetic to their faith and forget their first love.

For me, noone opionions or life's circumstances will change what I have seen with my own eyes, how I have felt his presence, or the many miracles that have happened in my own life. Once you taste and see the Lord is good their is no going back.

Has anyone else noticed this general falling away of Christians?

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with the many activities going on, it's obvious that people have a tendency to put church by the wayside.
and it could be that they never were true christians to begin with, and are now pulling away because they didn't get any instant satisfaction. a lot of people are just looking for a quick fix, and believe what some false teachers tell, that they will get riches and everything will immediatly get better for them. That's why its so sad, especially when it comes to being saved and the faith of the people, these days you can't always believe everything you hear primarily from the big preachers on tv and such, taking advantage of hurting people. sorry for the big ol' comment but it needed to be said.
There's no such thing as a "TRUE" there can be no falling away. Show me in the new testament where Jesus states you will call yourselves "Christians." Christian is a term derived from "man." And anything from man always falls short.

Hmm, how do you play tennis for Jesus? Do you imagine that the tennis ball is the "enemy?" hahaha.
RC, Jesus never said to call yourselves a Christian......You're right on that point. The term Christian was first used in Acts 11:26. All it stands for is "one who follows Christ". In terms of falling away, it just means you were once close to God, but no longer have that intimate relationship.

RC, have you ever been married to someone, or in a long term relationship and all the sudden it's like you just stop talking and anything you do together is only a habit. It would seem that your relationship is no longer close. Like a "falling out" has occurred. You once cared about that person and couldn't wait to talk to them everyday, and all the sudden you don't think about them during the day. In fact, you don't care what they think of you, your to busy with other things. That's all we're saying.

Mark 12:28-31
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"

"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

In regards to Christian tennis, we play tennis for Jesus like you live your life for Jesus, or like work for Jesus. It's the attitude of Christ. When I beat people on the courts I don't talk smack I tell them good game and I'm glad they came out. I hope you understand one day RC, & I wish you the best.
your right, i was just talking about the hypocrites and such that dont truely have a passion for Christ, that are only there to look like good people. I've known a few people like that, who did all these ministries at church just to impress someone else or seem a good person. plus im only 16 and am only going on what I've witnessed and what my pastor teaches me lol


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