Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

I live in Cedar Park, in the Buttercup Creek neighborhood...  lots of tennis courts nearby.  I got a key to the courts, and I'm looking to play.  Not sure what skill level I am.  I played varsity tennis in High School, but haven't played much in the last 10 years....  pretty good athlete, looking to get back in shape.  Should be able to knock the rust off pretty quickly.  Let me know if you wanna play, and I'm in.  Thanks, Mark

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P.S - I forgot to mention.  I can play weekdays after 5:30pm...  and my weekends are hit or miss.  Just let me know when and where.  Catch ya later, Mark
Hey Mark You free to play on Thursday afternoon? I don't have tennis balls let me know if I need to pick some up before hand.
Wait wait. I just checked the weather report 3 day forcast and its supposed to Thunderstorm on thursday. unless you know of an indoor tennis court maybe Friday would be better.

Mark, I am not far from you (am in Anderson Mill) and also have access to local courts.

Am available either during the day or the evenings during the week. 

Am not concerned with your skill level and I enjoy the practice...and getting the rust off as well.

Let me know what works for you. This week is fine, if you care to pick a time.

Look forward to getting out and hitting some with you.

Thanks, Lyman

Hey Man,  Sorry i have been busy...  we are considering moving houses so things are kinda hectic.  when i get some time i will definately get in touch so we can hit the ball around.  thanks, mark

Mark, I understand, no problem.  Am open for most any day / time and not hung up at all on the duration based on one anothers schedule.


Let me know when you are free and you would even just care to "hit some" to take your mind off the "moving experience" ;)



I'm thinking about going to the courts around the corner from my house... probably gonna hit against the wall.  I know its short notice but let me know if you wanna hit.  Mark  call or text me at 512-470-7302


Hey Man,


Sorry I have been busy... we are in the process of moving so things got a little hectic.  I definately want to play sometime... just not sure how much time i will have.  stay in youch.  thanks



Hey Mark.  I'm near 1431 and Parmer in CP.  I was a 4.5 at one time, prolly closer to a 4.0 now.  Lemme know if you'd like to get out one day and hit.  I have a pretty flexible work schedule and can hit weekdays and most evenings.  Thanks...
Hi mark,    I want to play.  But i am in Wells Branch, close to i-35 and Wells Branch pkwy.  Perhaps we can meet in middle. I have courts here also. I been playing for many years now, off and on.


My name is Paul and I live in Jonestown out FM1431 about 3 or so miles from Lago Vista.  I am looking to hit some balls on Thursday evenings; 6:30 or so for a couple of hours.  If you would like to hit, email me at [edit by Mod - please share private info via PM, thanks] I use to play on a regular basis, but haven't lately. The closest courts to me are at Cedar Park High school and Leander High school.

Hi Paul,


I'm looking for people to play with. I'm coming back to the game after some time away, was a 4.5 8 years ago. Just started playing again last week and am probably around a 4.0 right now. I live in Cedar Park and work by the Arboretum but I'm willing to drive a bit to get some tennis in. I can play early evenings during the week and weekend mornings (when it's hot) on weekends. Let me know if you'd like to hit.





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