It seems as though there have been quite a few new members to this group in the last month! I've uploaded an icon for the group (I didn't spend a lot of time on it, but hopefully it works for now).
We can use this discussion area to announce upcoming tennis events in our area. Everything from tournaments, leagues, tennis court information, etc. I don't know about you, but I joined this site because I still consider myself relatively new to the New York area's tennis offerings. Things that I'd like to know are: what leagues are fun/good? Where can I find a good set of tennis drills without having to go into the city (Manhattan)? Which courts allow you to use your own tennis ball machine? Obviously everyone has their own questions, so this area is a great posting area for all questions. No question is a bad one!
It might make sense to have everyone indicate their level of play in their profile so that if we are interested in playing against one another, we can know where everyone stands.