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Looking for a hitting partner in Emeryville, Berkeley on Wed or Thurs evening, Emeryville - 3.5-4.0

Hi, I live in Emeryville, and am looking for a hitting partner in Emeryville or Berkeley around Wed or Thurs btw 6:00 pm and 8 pm.  I can also play on Sunday if I don't have other plans.

I am btw 3.5 and 4.0 player.  I prefer to play single but I can also play double.

If you have have any info about a team, league, drop-in, or round-robin tennis near this area, please let me know.



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Hi Hyondeuk,

I am free on wednesday night at 6:00 if you would like to hit. Generally, I like to rally and consciously practice strokes, volleys, etc. before playing rally games, tiebreaks, or sets. I am a 4.0-4.5 player and usually play at Hearst courts on Bancroft Ave. in Berkeley.


Okay, so I will see you at the Hearst courts on Bancroft at 6:00!

hello Michael,

i am available to hit during weekday evenings if you'd like to hit sometime.  let me know if you want to hit sometime.

Edo 510-610-1870

Hi Michael,

I'd like to hit with you sometime. Let me know when you are available. I am usually free on weeknights and weekends as well.



Hi Michael, I am in the Hearst court, now.

hi Hyondeuk,

i am available to hit during weekday evenings and also possibly sundays. probably around the same level as you (3.5-4.0). let me know if you want to hit sometime.

Edo 510-610-1870


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