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Hi! I played a little a few years back, and I want to re-learn everything, so I classify myself as a beginner.  I would like to find a partner who is also a beginner or willing to play with a beginner while I find my groove. I'm available now every weekday after 4, and all day weekends. I live in North Berkeley, looking to play in Albany or El Cerrito.  


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 Your time availability is great - I work in downtown

Berkeley til 4:15PM.and would be happy to meet

you at whatever courts you pick.


My email is:

Thanks for contacting me.





Hi Julia- I would love to play with you. Do Tuesday or Thursdays at 7 work for you? My email is

Hi Julia.  If weekdays after 4pm in Albany are perfect me too.  I've been playing a good amount this year, but haven't played prior to that for about 20 years, so I'm re-learning as well.  If you're interesting in hitting, playing games, practicing drills, let me know.  Email is 


I'm available Thursdays after 6.30pm - hope that isn't to late for you. Also on Saturdays before 1pm.

Any court works for me. Let me know if it's convenient for you



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