Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Andrew had a great idea - that we need some promo tools to help spread the news offline. He is working on some flyers that can be photocopied and mounted on bulletin boards near tennis courts, etc. And I created some post card flyers to leave at tennis shops or to give to friends and opponents.

It was very cheap to make 5000 rather than 2500, so I did it and later this week I'm going to recieve them while I'm in Indian Wells. I'm going to spread them all over that tournament!

When I get back, I was thinking I could send stacks of them to The Ball Kids and anyone else that might spread them around too!

Let me know if you want a stack!

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I think most ppl would only need a handful anyway. Upload the file and share the link. I'll post them up at my favorite tennis haunts.
Jeff, Thanks! That's a great idea. I'll upload the files later, but in the meantime, use the badges here. The one with all the head shots works great. Where are your online haunts by the way?
Thanks again,
Can you post those badges on Facebook? I can't think of a place where you can insert html on Facebook offhand.
Could use some in Tally! Specifically around FSU =)

ill take a stack of the flyers

Emily Ottsen


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