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I live on the East side of Athens and can play most any day before 3. I haven't hit much in the past year but will regain my timing and strokes quickly with a few regular hitting sessions. I am not opposed to group gatherings... I JUST WANT TO PLAY !

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Hey Trace.

Wanted to run a thought by you as I too am on a crusade to improve. Its taken me quite a while to find "ringer" with a solid game I respect, and like I told you, "someone I'd enjoy making a run with."  What I would propose is hitting together once a week or so, and mixing in a high level doubles match here and there. The spring season in mens ATLA starts in march. There are 7 regular season matches played on Saturday mornings at 9am. My team has a netcord website you can go on and check any weeks you are not available. So you could just play a couple matches, or all 7 if you wanted to. At my teams A7 level at lines 1 and 2 mainly, its all very competative 4.5ish guys and a lot of fun. Last, my team is a select team only and in the championship hunt every season, and with a big spark like you, I could all but guarantee a silver plate for each of us.

Are you game?


Sounds good. I just don't feel all that good about the way I'm hitting at the moment. I got a lot of work to do to get back on my game. Call me when u wanna hit.

Hey Trace,

Would you be interested in getting together this Saturday at 2pm for some competative doubles practice.

I've been busy withmy rental property this weekend. Would love to hit this week tho. I really can get into doubles until I'm more sound with my game. I'm way off my game man. Need to practice. I'm embarrassed to play competitively.

Thats cool. I will get with you later in the week.

Hey Trace!

We hit a lot when I first moved to Athens at High Ridge 16 years ago.  I have a weird schedule but would like to hit.  Still playing guitar? 

Hi Trace,

I am also looking for a regular hitting partner just for the love of the game. I have played tournament tennis as well as ALTA since I was 12 (27 now) and have been out of the game for the past year and am looking to get back into the swing of things. With a few hitting sessions I'm sure that I will be at least a 4.0 level player if you give me the chance. I am one of the owners of the two Menchie's frozen yogurt shops in Athens which takes up a lot of my time, but I am available all weekend or early mornings. I also live on the Eastside, so I think this might be a good fit. Let me know if you are interested. 


Andrew Steele

I replied to u tgw other day. Don't see the reply on the message board tho. Get back to me about hitting sometime. 706-988-3162

Do you have a preferred location?


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