Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Im trying to get a list of all 4.0-4.5 level players to sign up under one posting, so all of us can contact each other quickly.

I recommend creating the same list with other levels, so you can find someone else at your level quickly, without having to search through everyone's individual profile to find their level.

post a reply to this if you are around 4.0-4.5 and lets meet up and play or train!

Views: 689

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That works for me, you wanna start around 7 at ASU? I live in Mesa near Mesa riverview, so if you have any courts you prefer, let me know. You can text me at 4807340300

I'm new to the area and am looking for partners to hit with, please feel free to hit me up.

Hi all! I'll be visiting Phoenix/Scottsdale for work the week after Thanksgiving and would like to play if anyone is interested. I'm NTRP 4.5 and played high school tennis as well as club tennis at Stanford many years ago. Please drop me a note with information about your experience and interests, and I'll get back to you hopefully soon.


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