Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Im trying to get a list of all 4.0-4.5 level players to sign up under one posting, so all of us can contact each other quickly.

I recommend creating the same list with other levels, so you can find someone else at your level quickly, without having to search through everyone's individual profile to find their level.

post a reply to this if you are around 4.0-4.5 and lets meet up and play or train!

Views: 689

Replies to This Discussion

Great idea. I'm available to play some 4.0 - 4.5 tennis.
I like to play 4.04-4.5 matches.

Hey, I'd like to play some 4.0-4.5 players. Please email me at [edit: please share private info via PM or Friend Request] if interested. I am available on the evenings after 8pm or 8am-10am everyday. My classes are all during the afternoon.

I'd like to hit....4.0/4.5
Gerardo Lopez Ruelas said:
Great idea. I'm available to play some 4.0 - 4.5 tennis.

If you are 4.0-5.0 or so and want to hit, give me a call or email me so we can arrange to play!
I am 4.0 (4.5 on a good day).

I live next to ASU. Lets hit!
[edit: please share private info via PM or Friend Request]

Sounds good! give me a call or email
[edit: please share private info via PM or Friend Request]

I'm looking for hitting partners too - 4.0/4.5. Give me a call or reply to my post. [edit: please share private info via PM or Friend Request] Paul

Available to play in the evening and have flexible schedule on weekends. 4.0 player and would like to play in Tempe or in the nearby surrounding areas. Thanks

Paul Mitsuyama said:

I'm looking for hitting partners too - 4.0/4.5. Give me a call or reply to my post. Paul

Hey man. I'm available to play. I work close to campus. so yah let me know.

I am 4.0 i'm guessing but haven't been rated in a while.

Live in North Phoenix currently

Might be a little late to the party, but I am down to hit weekends and weeknights after 5ish.  Need to get back on the courts and actually play some matches not just serve by myself and play wall ball.  Who wants to hit this week??


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