Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Would love to be playing at least once a week. Not looking for anything serious just want yo hit some balls and get some excercise. Let me know if anyone in the area is interested-Im free most evenings and weekends during the day.

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My wife and i are looking for the same , a group to hit ball and have fun , Let us know where in Altamonte
sure thing, i'm free in the afternoons and evenings all except mondays. let me know when you want to play.


Where do you play? I live in Altamonte. I'll be out of town for the next week, but would possibly be interested in meeting up to play after I get back.

I live in Sanford not far from Altamonte at all. I am a beginner and haven't played since I moved here 6 months ago. I want to play if anyone is interested. Available in the evenings and like a Sat or Sun morning possibly.


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