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Hey, anybody wants to play tennis in the weekends? I am a 4.0 player, but I don't mind to play with players from 3.0 to 4.5. Both singles and doubles are good for me. I can also play in late afternoons in the summer.

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Hey, I'm a 4.5 player looking to hit from 2 Aug - 21 Aug. I'm in the Air Force and will be visiting my ABQ during this timeframe. Let me know if you want to hit!

Hey Damion,

Welcome to ABQ. Do you want to play in this coming weekend? Either Saturday or Sunday at 5pm in Arroyo Del Oso park (I am OK with other courts as well).



Can you play this Sunday Morning at 7:30 or 8 am?
Sorry that I cannot play in early morning. If you want to play either Saturday (i.e., today, we can find enough players for doubles) or Sunday afternoon around 4:30pm, I would be happy to play with you.
Yes i can play at 4:30 PM. Can you play at Domingo Baca park? My number is 507-9049. Llet me know if you can meet me there. Thanks.

Hi Glenn,

Do you want to hit tomorrow at 4pm? Arroyo Del Oso is fine.If anyone else is reading this that wants to hit tomorrow or on the weekends/ Wednesday send me a message. I am a 4.0-4.5 player.

I will be in the area for a few months.

I am looking for partners for organizing local tennis leagues, are you interested?

Yes I am interested. Is this for Fall season or winter season?


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