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Wimbledon 2013 BOTB (Replacement) Bracket Competition is on!

Hey everyone,

You like brackets? Do you normally participate in Fantasy Tennis competitions? Have you ever taken on the ATP Draw Challenge? If you answered yes to any of the above, keep reading!

So, as some of you may know, BOTB (Battle of the Boards) is not running until further notice. But, not to worry! I'm running a replacement BOTB competition in its absence. The rules are the same with a few minor differences, a few extras and a few things missing (for now).

Tennisopolis has had a lot of participants in the past but not so much lately and with BOTB competitions and  notices for them being less frequent of late, that's a bit understandable but I hope the numbers will increase again!

The entry form is available at T3nnisStats! You have until Monday before play starts to make your picks. ;)

I hope you'll participate! The more the merrier!


T3nnisFan :)

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Thanks Mark!

Congratulations on Andy winning!

Congrats to us for coming in 2nd in the TEAM KO competition also! ;)

Also congrats to Bill Baker for taking home 1st place in TO! Well done! 

Any suggestions for any honourable mentions for the competition's awards ceremony?

Here's an example: Steven finishing in the top 10 and almost winning after years of hosting BOTB!

Results are up!



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