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My Dad ask me one day what was 1st place gold medals made from I said gold duh but the answer was right in front of me it was made from determination,hardwork, focus and a special alloy called guts

So if you had to motivate me what would you say


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That's good stuff.......Second place is for the best loser..

I also like Maccisms like:

If you dig deep, you might find oil, but most of all you’ll find success.


Believing is so, so powerful – so is doubt.  Now you choose.


You play with your skill, but you really win with your will.


and love these two:

  • Players who quit are getting better at quitting.
  • Players who say “I can’t” – Won’t


wow deep hal makes you think
go to Rick Macci's website he has a ton of great sayings under the Maccism link
oh! Myiesha its the Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defend. you bring your best and still you don't always win. but your opponent knows who won that match.
How can we forget "Win one for the Gipper."  No?  Too far back?  Win this one, and we'll get ice cream afterwards!  All seriousness, "Reach for the stars.  You may never get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either."  (authoer unknown).


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