Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

What do you think is the most revolutionary tennis technology (if any) that has come out in the last 10-20years?

First there was wood. Then came metal. The advent of the oversize racket followed. Graphite and the blending of composite materials came next. All of these were concrete , tangible,  REAL performance changing technologies that changed the game of tennis the way as we know it FOREVER. Since these discoveries, what do you think in the last 10 -20 years has been accomplished to forward the game in the same manner as the above mentioned breakthroughs? And I am not talking about "O" ports (Speedports by Prince) and the like that are strictly marketing tactics that are generally considered pretty much useless by the tennis playing public who actually playtest these things.

 Kinda hard to think of any off the top of my head, its so sad. What do you say Tennisopolis members? Lets see if through the power of community thought we can assemble some sort of list of TRUE TENNIS MILESTONES IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT OF THE SPORT IN THE LAST 20 YEARS. To limit the scope of the discussion, we will only include rackets, strings, and accessories.... I look forward to your responses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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