Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Top 10 Signs 'your favourite player is blazing the rankings when....'

10. When everyone cannot shut up about that grandslam that eludes them

9. When tournaments know they can gift them a car instead of prize money and they actually take it!

8. When a 12 pack tennis bag suddenly becomes inadequet and needs to be accesorized with a European carry-all/satchel/clutch

7. When they have, on one side strangers who passionately detest them on the other those who want to marry them 

6. Belts, biker/cowboy boots, shorts with belt buckles and belts, animal prints, and lace start to feel more comfortable and acceptable during a match

5. Have a Charity they do not know about

4. Hollywood is convinced they can act as well as they serve

3. When their personal childhood hero suddenly changes from a multiple slam champion to some insignificant distant relative like a "mum or a dad"

2. When they withdraw from every tournament but the ranking does not slip

1. When American tennis fans can pronounce their totally like, weird name


Did I leave any out, post them if I did!!!

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Special mention......11. When they have been subjected to 36th drug tests before Roland Garos
...when they're on the cover of GQ or Vogue and they have a 12 month calendar done up by sports illlustrated


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