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Jogging with Arm Circles – Dynamic Warm Up WU-1



• Warm up the body

• Improve flexibility in the shoulders, chest and upper back



this exercise so that you travel back and forth across the court two times.


Side Steps with Arm Crosses – Dynamic Warm Up WU-2



• Warm up the body

• Improve flexibility in the shoulders, chest and upper back





Carioca Drill – Dynamic Warm Up WU-3


The carioca drill is a cross-stepping movement that propels the body laterally and will help:

• Improve lateral movement, agility and footwork





In the athletic position, push off with the left foot and bring it towards the right foot.


While maintaining balance, cross the left foot behind the right foot and plant it on the ground.


Move the right foot laterally so you return to the athletic position.


While maintaining balance, cross the left foot in front of the right foot and plant it on the ground.


Move the right foot laterally so you return to the athletic position.


Reverse the steps to perform this drill while moving to the left.



Have players perform this exercise from double sideline to doubles sideline two times to the right and two times to the left


Knee Hug Lunge – Dynamic Warm Up WU-4



• Warm up the body

• Improve strength in the hip and knee

• Improve dynamic balance

• Improve flexibility in the hamstrings, lower back and hip flexors



Exercise Technique





Start at the doubles sideline facing into (across) the court.

Performing the Exercise

Lift the knee and pull the knee with the arms towards the chest.

At the same time, contract the calf of the leg on the ground, going up on your toes and lifting the body up.

Release the leg and take a large step forwards directly into a lunge/hip flexor stretch position.

Maintain good upper body posture and hold this position for 2-3 seconds.

Stand up, driving upward using the muscles in the forward leg, and repeat the movement with the other leg.


Continue this pattern, alternating right and left legs, across the court to the other doubles sideline.


 Inverted Hamstring – Dynamic Warm Up WU-5



• Warm up the body

• Improve strength in the legs and core

• Improve flexibility in the hamstrings

• Improve dynamic balance



Exercise Technique





Start at the doubles sideline facing out from the court.

Performing the Exercise

Stand on one leg and bend at the waist. Keep the leg on the ground slightly bent.

Bend forward at the waist until a slight stretch is felt in the hamstrings of the leg that is on the ground.

Keep the back flat and avoid twisting. The leg off the ground should follow the line of the body.

Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.

Return to the starting position, but step back slightly when you put the foot down.


Repeat with the other leg and gradually walk across the court to the other doubles sideline.



Backwards Lunge with a Twist – Dynamic Warm Up WU-6



• Warm up the body

• Improve strength in the legs and core

• Improve flexibility in the hip flexor muscles

• Improve dynamic balance



Exercise Technique





Start at the doubles sideline facing out from the court.

Performing the Exercise

Take a large step backwards with the right leg into a lunge position.

Gently twist the torso to the left and reach for the right heel with the left hand.

Return the torso to a position of good posture in the lunge position.

Stand up by driving using primarily the muscles in the front leg and repeat, stepping backwards with the left leg and progress across the court.


Perform this exercise 1x across the court.


 Leg Cradle – Dynamic Warm Up WU-7



• Warm up the body

• Improve flexibility in the muscles of the groin and hips

• Improve dynamic balance



Exercise Technique





Start at the doubles sideline facing into (across) the court.

Performing the Exercise

While on one leg, lift the other leg and with the assistance of both hands, turn the knee outwards while lifting at the ankle.

Cradle the leg at the knee and at the ankle. Do not grab the foot if you can help it.

At the same time, contract the calf of the leg on the ground, lifting the body up

Release the leg, step forward and repeat on the other leg making your away to the other doubles sideline.


Perform this exercise 1x across the court.



Straight Leg March – Dynamic Warm Up WU-8



• Warm up the body

• Improve flexibility in the hamstrings, gluteal and lower back muscles

• Improve dynamic balance



Exercise Technique





Start at the doubles sideline facing into (across) the court.

Performing the Exercise

Swing one leg forward until a slight stretch is felt in the hamstrings. Try to touch the foot with the opposite hand.

As soon as the stretch is felt, pull the leg back down to the ground, contracting the gluteals (butt muscles).

The foot should contact the ground forcefully on the front part of the foot.

Maintain good posture throughout the exercise.

Repeat with the other leg, making your way across the court.


Perform this exercise 1x across the width of the court.




• Perform the same exercise as a skip instead of a march – when skipping, each foot should contact the ground two times before the other foot.




Lateral Lunge – Dynamic Warm Up WU-9



• Warm up the body

• Improve flexibility in the groin muscles

• Improve strength in the legs and core

• Improve dynamic balance



Exercise Technique





Start at the doubles sideline facing the net and get into an athletic stance – hips down and good posture.

Performing the Exercise

Take a large step sideways into the court.

Bend the knee of the leg in the court, keep the other leg straight.

Lower the body until a slight stretch is felt in the groin. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.

Return to an athletic stance by bringing the trailing, “straight leg”, back under the body.

Repeat this movement across the court to the other doubles sideline.


Perform this exercise 1 x across the court in each direction.


Trunk Rotations – Dynamic Warm Up WU-10



• Warm up the body

• Improve strength in the legs and core

• Improve flexibility in the core and shoulders



Exercise Technique





Standing in one spot, spread the feet and establish a good base of support.

Performing the Exercise

Bring the arms up to shoulder height and gently rotate the torso to one side and then the other.

Gradually lower the body by bending the knees and pivoting on the balls of the feet as you rotate from side to side.


Perform about 15-20 twists in each direction, or for about 30 seconds.


Backwards Step Overs – Dynamic Warm Up WU-11



• Warm up the body

• Improve flexibility and active range of motion in the hips

• Improve dynamic balance

• Improve strength in the muscles around the hip



Exercise Technique





Start at the doubles sideline facing out from the court.

Performing the Exercise

Lift a knee up. Rotate it at the hip outwards.

Step backwards as if you are trying to clear a hurdle, and place the foot down so it is facing forwards.

Repeat with the other leg and work your way across the court.


Perform this exercise from doubles sideline to doubles sideline.



Arm Hugs – Dynamic Warm Up WU-12



• Warm up the body

• Improve flexibility in the shoulders, chest and upper back



Exercise Technique





Standing in one spot, spread the feet and establish a good base of support.

Performing the Exercise

Bring the arms up to shoulder height and hug yourself.

Hold this position briefly.

Then, open up the arms as wide as possible trying to “hug the world”.

Repeat this movement pattern, gradually increasing the speed of the exercise.


Perform about 10-15 hugs, both ways, or do the exercise for about 30 seconds.




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