Minneapolis tennis tournament, I am organizing a Minneapolis tennis tournament at north east park, singles only, the first 3 places will get an award, the award is an amount of money which will vary on the number of players we get. entry fee is 10$ time and date will vary also on how many people email me. when at least 10 people email me and tell me they will come i will send them back an email with the date and time. only players with skill level from 1.0 to 3.5 may join so the tournament may be fair. 1.0 novice 1.5 advanced novice 2.0 beginner 2.5 advanced beginner 3.0 intermediate 3.5 advanced intermediate
If interested please email me with your skill level i will email back with more info, like the location of north east park and such. be free to ask me any questions. thank you,