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What are some of the things you do to play tennis in cold weather. What do you wear, how do you warm up, do you bring hot coco to the courts? Let me know it is cold in the ATL

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what is the coldest temp you have played in?
umm in the mid to low's gotten down to the 30s this past winter here in southern cali...that is like freezing! lol

yeah...I would say anything in the 30s count as cold....
Yea that;s what im saying buy people from the midwest and east coast call me a sissy lol

funny...I hate the cold too
When I lived in Germany, I actually shoveled off the snow to play. It was probably in the 20's. It was pretty funny though, gloves, winter coat, boots. It was a hysterical event. I made my younger brother come out and play.
wow that is crazy
It was a long time ago. Probably wouldn't do it now. I will wait for the upper 30's and no snow. Dry courts only.
Sno trend?

Hey, it makes diving for tennis balls a little easier. That is for sure.
snow tennis...I love it...we are close out here in GA

I live in the Atl area. I played a USTA match one morning when it was 18 deg. and there was ice on the back of the court.


The best way to stay warm is go indoors. Tennis is a fair weather sport or indoor.


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