Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

So everyone knows about that gear contest on tennisopolis..right? If not, just read the flyers that Mark has put up.

Tennisopolis community, just wondering what kind of gear everyone's is carrying around with them..It's show and tell time!  Post your bag, racquets, and shoes, or even cool duds that you wear on the court.


What does a Tennisopolis member's gear look like? Show me.


I'll be first I guess, since I started this discussion, can't wait to see what everyone's stuff looks like.

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My gear..





Picture of my gear


more gear:

strings on hand i'm currently trying

x1 biphase strings - the current favorite

past racquets used


customer's racquets that i need to get done


next racquet  - stock kneissl red star, haven't messed around with yet 


kneissl with the capped grommets

extra racquets in shoe closet (don't really care about :-)


why don't you sell the stuff you don't use anymore? I mean I understand if it's of sentimental value, but it's taking up your closet space. You gotta move new stuff in and old stuff out.
in fact, i've already donated a couple of racquets, from another opolite that i've met in here.   thanks for the suggestion.  i've already sold quite a few also. 
I'm random. I have Nike dresses, tops, skirts, shots...Adidas dresses, tops, skirts shorts...really anything that is cute and fits my body type perfectly I will buy. The racket that I use is the BLX Tour (the one Justine used before she retired). It's my favorite racket in the world as of this moment.
Awesome pic Jose, that's some live on court shots.I'm glad I got some participants on this. It's one thing to see someone on the courts and look at what they have, but to see what they use regularly is insightful.

Awesome thread.  This reminds me a lot of the short "Bag Check" segments that you see on the Tennis Channel.  Here's my gear.  Basically I grabbed my tennis bag, unpacked it, and took some photos.  Here they are:



The nCode is my old racquet.  My current racquet is the Yonex RDS 003 which I have two of, both strung with a full poly.

Can't play a match on a sunny day without my pair of dollar store sunglasses.


Very nice Adam, it's always cool to see what other people have. I've added one of those shammy/froggie towels and those cool neckties. It's hot in Austin!


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