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Roddick just pulled out of the French Open to save himself and give himself a better shot at Wimbledon...

Will this even help him, or has his train already left the station?  Personally, as much as I like him, I am tired of hearing things about him, and in a way I wish he would retire, ride off into the sunset with Brooklyn and enjoy the rest of his life quietly.  Your thoughts?

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Noooo, don't retire yet!  I think it's a good move.  If he's being truly honest about this situation, then he must be serious about Wimbledon.  I hope he is serious.   A Wimbledon win is highly unlikely for him, if he can make it to the quarters at least would be HUGE!  Now that I think about it though, does he REALLY think he can win Wimbledon?
That seems to be his current thought process.  He was going to push and try to play the French, but decided to pull out and prepare for a solid run at Wimbledon.  I would be shocked at this point if he could make the quarters.  I think he is done.  Fish has a better chance.
I concur
ARod should pack it in, a huge serve, now middle of the road FH, and non-existent BH will not get you too far in the majors.
Despite the fact that he has a big serve, everyone just stands 20 feet behind the baseline and blocks it back.  Because he won't come into the net, the total advantage the serve should bring is gone. 
Mark that bothers me so much. He never adjusted his game to capitalize on that GIFT! Its too late now. His only chance IMO is to leave FO alone and try to get prepared for Wimbledon. Will it make a difference? I doubt it. But maybe he'll believe he's better prepared and get to the Quarters, maybe even semis!
That is exactly what I am talking about.  I would be shocked if at this point he makes it to the quarters, I guess we will see.  Afterall, that is why they play.....
Don't forget that he also has Davis Cup to play in his home town on grass right after the Wimbledon too. I think it's a good move for him to focus on grass.
Aww, good point Tony!  I miss my girl Ana!
I know, I know... Will have to flood you with Ana again soon......

Better yet, why not go and see her at Stanford this summer. :-p

I do hope A Rod will pull a Davis Cup for all ages and then he can ride off into the sunset with Brooklyn like Mark said. Though, not to live quietly but to continue with his charity work and make lots of noises with it. :-)
As long as that is the only noise we hear about.....then sure.


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