I'm a returning player in need of someone to hit/play with on a regular basis.
I started playing at the age of 7 and I couldn't be dragged off the court until my enlistment in the Army right after high school. After my tour of duty was up life just kinda got in the way, marriage, home ownership, daughter, work etc.. Before I knew it twenty years had passed, the wife is now an ex-wife, the daughter is now a teenager doing what they do, go thier own way.
So now I find myself with the old itch to once again play the game I so dearly loved during my youth. I've had my fill of pounding balls against walls and I'm desperately in need of someone to hit with.
i consider myself an intermediate player capable of sustaining long volleys, net play and hitting winners. All I seek is someone who can keep the ball in play with at least a little velocity.