Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Meetup group Everybody knows your name (there is always a game without booking)

Hi everyone. I am in Vancouver but am coming for the winter soon. In Vancouver we have a "meetup" so to speak We play every day all day at the same courts. These courts are in a facility of about 15 courts and are always open even when a school comes there are most of the courts open. Someone shows up at 10 or 11 AM and stakes a claim on the main court. Then whoever can make it makes it and most of us can make it pretty often since you don't have to feel like playing, you can just say hello, have a beer or a gator aid and socialize while watching what you love. This is a very self perpetuating thing, Once it is going it has a life of it's own. Some sundays one fellow brings a barbecue and we have hot dogs, other times someone might make ones LOL we are a sports group not sport groupies. Kids come and often someone is available to help keep them amused (not me!) or take them to Mac for a burger. It all helps make it work.
I think it is important to find a large facility that is not to taken over by schools at times. I like COD as it is a quality facility but I am concerned about the amount of time NOT available. This can be a very good club (doubles/singles but probably mostly doubles especially on the main court as it keeps the social aspect more intact and that keeps the club more intact I think) with zero cost and it can be running basically 24/7.
If someone wants to get it started by getting a couple of people out and invited others perhaps starting with a pretty regular time and hopefully it will expand and grow on it's own with word of mouth.
I hoe to come down in a couple of weeks and I will do my part to establish such a thing. The more central the better. I think more people will attend and a big facility so we don't overwhelm it but rather become part of the fabric.
Email me if you have a desire for such. Thanks, William

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