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I went 8-1 last season. 2 singles matches and 7 doubles matches with Jeff Shin (4yr player for gonzaga and my open doubles partner)

We were down 1-4 and I am not really sure how it happened. We lost the toss and they elected serve. We had 0-40 but then rich andrews (runs the sparetime academy for all the good juniors) decided to serve hard and got out of it. They broke Jeff (first games are weird)

We won 10 games in a row and ended up winning 1 and 4.

Our singles guy beat the #1 5.0 in norcal tournaments 6-1 6-1 (leagues are tougher)

We lost the other doubles match. My director was playing with the director from rio and they beat our team 10-1 in their match tiebreak.

This was the team to beat other than us. We are heavily favored in the next 2 matches but hopefully we can make it happen again the next time around =)

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Keep up the good work mike!

The player I took on the 4.0 tour last season went 12-1 in leagues!

I like to compare you two bc he had a legit shot a winning the grand prix
It went perfect because my director won his match and I won mine. Everyone was happy at work.

Had we gone head to head one of us would have been pissed today =)
I can't believe my season started with a love-40 look... we let them off the hook and then got broken.

I gotta wait like 3 weeks for another league match =/

Great job



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