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It's raining. I may not get the chance too finish this today =/
too bad... are you going to serve and volley for the win or grind it out ala' RAfa?
"I serve annd volley every ball no matter what" was untill i played a coupl of clay tournaments. I can serve and volley fine but I can never get to a second volley. I am still going to attack attack attack, just maybe one or two shots instead of servee-and-volley / return and volley
The finals are set for noon sunday. Match footage may be available.

$100 to the loser $250 to the winner.

I definitely don't make as much money playing as I do teaching. But everytime I cash a tournament it feels good.
Hey John, I've never played on clay before.  Are these accessible to the public?
I played the best 10 games of tennis in my life in the semi's last saturday. I knew I would come out of the tree and I did when he broke back from 3-1. I kept my emotions in check. Even after he fought off six match points. I got em' 2 and 1.

Then last night I got the best score possible (18) in my doubles league. A 24yr old former davis #1 was on my court... what I am trying to say is I have been playing huge since I got back. Amazing what a little vaca will do.
I expect to see you top 10 in singles and dubs on the Open circuit soon....
I have been top 10 in open doubles...

Never singles though, that would be cool

good stuff John.  We know you can play and all that but you got to give us more to chew on (tips, technique, insight) instead of the "i can tell you but i have to kill you"... stuff.  lol... i'd sign up for privates but you're just too darn far.


anyways, sounds like by the way you've been hitting that fuzzy thang lately, there's only one way for you to get challenged:  link below:  you should do it.  keep us posted.  what you say?

Wetengale or weston will win that
From our section that is.


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