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I played antone buliche. He has a win over my doubles partner in the sac open singles. He was my ageish (23). He was fresh out of navada? "He played kinda low because on his team they were top 1000?" yada yada I wasn't listening because I was on the 5-2 changeover.. DOWN

From 2-5 I won 15 of the next 18 games. Doesn't really matter how the scoreboard worked out, that is a hell of a run

The final count tonight was 5-7, 6-0, 6-1

Im looking at this kids usta thing and he went D1 to open's for money only... what is 5.0 really?

Add this to the good win column and I don't want to play him again next time around...

I'm not afraid of him doubles

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Nice, when is the vid coming out, later this week
In the big scheme... your right

We are all playing badmitton out there basically.

In this case I was literally in a backyard lol. If we were any good we would be in france right now
Its up


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