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I heard a rumor that you can call footfaults on your opponents in league play. I don't know if that's true, any help?

During yesterdays match both members of the opposing doubles team were footfaulting. I mean bad foot faults... like both feet 6inches or more. My buddy was taking pictures. The match was not close so I didn't worry about it. I have played with both of these guys before (6'2 and 6'6). When it gets close their huge foot faults get under my skin a little bit. I mean 6 inches more forward when you are already that high in the air changes the angles dramatically.

I think short people should be aloud to foot fault ;)

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You can call foot faults in any match, i usually let them know that they are way over and i may have to call them on it.
I thought only officials could call it.

When did that change?

Next match point second serve I am going to call foot fault!

here ya go, from the code:

23. Foot faults. The receiver or receiver’s partner may call foot faults only afterthe server has been warned at least once and the request for an official has failed.This call should be made only when the receiver or receiver’s partner is absolutelycertain and the foot faulting is so flagrant as to be clearly perceptible from thereceiver’s side. The plea that a server should not be penalized because the serveronly touched the line and did not rush the net is not acceptable. Habitual footfaulting, whether intentional or careless, is just as surely cheating as is making adeliberate bad line call.

I have a new feeling about this. I like that players can call foot faults. People cheat on purpose with line calls. Makes me think people cheat by foot faulting on purpose. Another 6 inches, a foot closer? Every serve, all match? we make mention of foot faults to the same people over and over around here and it never changes
I have a new feeling about this. I like that players can call foot faults. People cheat on purpose with line calls. Makes me think people cheat by foot faulting on purpose. Another 6 inches, a foot closer? Every serve, all match? we make mention of foot faults to the same people over and over around here and it never changes


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