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You won the toss. Now what? Serve/recieve? Side? defer?

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I always serve first.
I always serve first.... unless the wind is terrible, in which case i will choose side because i have a great kick serve that doesnt seem to be bothered by the wind, which usually puts me up 2 love.
I like this move. First games are weird, get a break and consolidate with a kick in the wind? good gameplan
Really? No one likes serving fresh after the changeovers in the first set?

Is it because the scoreboard is important and you like the higher number?
Nope, I just like to go hold, break, hold and make them think about the 3-0. That's if I can break.
I don't know, I guess I just always thought that the server has the advantage and I'd take any advantage I can get.  I always wondered why people like to defer.  I guess it's like football, receive the ball at the half.
What about in doubles?
hmmm, my partner usually served first, especially if he got the good side to serve, I usually take the sun and wind in face side to serve.
in doubles the player with the stronger serve always first!
so if my partner has trouble serving into the sun, I should take good side and blast away and watch him suffer on the tougher side.
Get a lefty =) if you are a lefty, get a righty


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