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You won the toss. Now what? Serve/recieve? Side? defer?

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Sorry, theres always an if! Better to have a leafty and righty if possible
Would you defer to ensure who served on what side and first? That's what we do
good question, if they would win toss they took good side and then he would serve that side. We win take good side. He always seemed to serve on good side.
We got that righty lefty thing going on so the only way to ensure that shinny comes out serving (1st) on the side he wants is to defer the toss.
in dubs, especially good dubs I think you can defer everytime
We do
yeah whatever works best, worked for us, no breaks all season for me, but then I was sandbagging and never really had to crank it up much. What's more important and we have little control over is, who serve's it out, some people really struggle with this.
If you do the same thing everytime you serve similar times in the match over and over.
I love serving it out....bombs away
Quick heads up... if you wwin the toss and elect serve. I am going to make you serve where I warmed up. First game, switch, now I am serving on the side I warmed up on =)
okie dokie, so if you are warming up on the good side, say sun at back, my partner gets to serve there. Bad side then I will go with it and you get it but maybe better angle with sun, and he still gets good side.
This thread is confusing. I was talking singles... sorry, should have mentioned

I defer in doubles assuming I am playing with a rightie


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