Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

If anyone would like to introduce themselves, this would be the place to do it. This area could serve as a good way to find other tennis partners in the area.

So list out as much info as you'd like to have considered by another potential tennis partner.


Views: 965

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Hi Thach & Tanya and anyone else interested in playing
My name is Shelly. I am a newbie and i am looking for a tennis partner/s. I haven't played in about 5 years but i will like to get back to it. If you be interested in playing please let me know. I live relatively close to Prospect P.
Hey Rob- I am avaialable mid afternoon during the week - I work at the Brooklyn VA Hospital- there are loads of courts here. I can play at 3pm or as I head back to NY if there is parking available i can play elsewhere. I will send you an e-mail on yahoo too. Iam a 3.5 player when not rusty

Rob Diaz said:
hi everyone.
just joined today. about a 3.0... i live just north of the park so prospect park is preferred, but i'm just as happy playing at ft greene, cobble hill or anywhere in between. also, i work from home during the week, so anyone also looking to avoid weekend crowds, i'm good with that (or weekends work too). shoot me an email if interested (this weekend? it's gonna be in the 50s...)

rldiaz75 at yahoo
i work at the BK VA Hospital in Bay Ridge - dozens of courts in Bay Ridge and bensonhurst ideally i can play Monday through Friday at 3pm.
i am a 3.5 to 4.0 level , in pretty good shape.

Alec Beard said:
I would love to play anywhere anytime. I'm about a 4.0. Brooklyn would be good. Cheap would be great.

Hi tennis lovers! I just moved out from Brooklyn to Queens, I still hope I can find any one who wanna play in Queens around Juniper Valley Park.I really cannot wait to pick my racket up again since last winter. My level is 3.0 to 3.5. Any level player is acceptable for me!

Hi Everyone!

Im looking for some tennis partners to play some regular tennis at McCarren park tennis courts during the morning in weekdays. I can play up until 10:30 am Mon - Fri. 

I went by the tennis courts yesterday morning and they were almost empty!

Im about a 3.5 (but a bit rusty) - looking to play a lot more. Looking for singles players, but if we get more than 2 thats great too!

Feel free to email me at




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