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The hardest thing about getting back into the game...

I'm sure all of us have had to let the racquets collect some dust with our busy lives and schedules at some point or another. This summer I've probably played more tennis than I have in the past four years.

What I've found to be the hardest thing about getting back into playing is definitely movement and footwork. I don't know if it's because I've picked up racquetball here and there, but I feel like I move so awkwardly now.

What do you guys feel you struggle with? Any tips or suggestions for me?

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Hi Eileen,
I can give you some tips...don't worry about your feet! I believe in doing what comes naturally, when a kids run to catch a ball do they think about their feet at all? No. More importantly, watch the ball as it crosses the net and start moving your feet and racquet back. You'll find that you won't be quite as rushed and able to see the ball more clearly!! Piece of cake! Have fun out there!
I'm a tennis to teach tennis! :) Gary
The latest issue of Tennis Magazine has a few tips for strenghtening key muscle groups and balancing. Tennis tends to strenghten the quad muscles leaving an imbalance between them and the hamstring. Hamstring exercises will help with the balance issue and allow you to move better on the court.
when I get back on to the court after a long break, the first thing that I need to adjust is my depth perception and vision, and getting my hand-eye coordination back in play.
Hi Eileen,
You're battling three basic problems with your struggle to get back in the game. First, prlonged time spent away from the game will effect every aspect of your game. Time and practice will eventually take care of that. Secondly, playing racquetball will absolutely ruin your tennis game. Racquetball requires more wrist action and that, not only impairs your timeing but also deminishes your stroke mechanics Again, time and practice should take care of this problem. Lastly, racquetball racquets are shorter and lighter thus effecting racquet control when playing tennis. I suggest that when you're on the tennis court, either practicing or just hitting around, that you keep your strokes to a nice smooth and level swing. You may experience some arm fatigue after short periods of play but with time and patience, that will correvt itself and everything will fall back in place. Happy hitting stay relaxed.


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