Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Need Suggestions for starting a high performance junior league

Hello tennis enthusiasts, I am hoping to find some inspiration and guidance. Several parents and I would like to start a high performance league for many of our 12-15 year old junior players who have good solid technical skills but are lacking in match play experience. We've done Junior Team Tennis for the past 3 years and while the kids enjoy it, at the local level there isn't any competition. Even placing our team in the 18U league, they destroyed everyone. While it is good for the ego, it's not helping in their match play ability.

We would like to start a summer league but aren't sure quite how to get started. Any suggestions would be welcome and I promise to keep you posted on our progress.

Mary Nunaley

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Dear Mary Nunaley,

I wanted to know how the up-date was turning out for your junior programming season? We haven't communicated in a number of months and wanted to reach out and assist in any capacity if you needed my feedback, please let me know and I will kindly contribute to the knowledge pool.


Jason Lampione.


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