Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • TennisWithD

    New blog! Regards

  • Maybe brown

    Hey Mark,

    What are some new features you are planing or would like to happen with your site?  

  • Tim Prapong

    Thanks for the header picture, Mark!!! I can't believe it, there I am, hitting with stone cold focus. hahaha

  • hsmithTL

    Thanks, I look forward to making some new friends and playing some good tennis!
  • TennisWithD

    Here is the blog I told you I needed help getting out to as many coaches  possible, its success relies on their feedback not necessarily views. THanks in advance. 

  • Conrad T Gorospe

    Thanks for info.

  • Matt B

    Makes sense

    Thanks for the advise, will do :)

  • Lissa Johnston

    10 is an interesting age for tennis now, isn't it??? Just finished reading the 'Wayne Bryan' email . . . :)

  • alex

    Sure,will do
  • kawal kareah

    mark thanks  for the email I signed up yesterday and now in the process of puting more details about myself

  • CoachV - William Vazquez

  • Sam M

    I've uploaded my picture but good luck is still waiting for me... :)

  • Huy

    I didn't know Mark. Thanks for organizing the group.
  • gayle stevens

    Hey Mark,

    Thank you for contacting me.  I am very interested in looking for new tennis players/groups.  I live in Suffolk County, NY and am tring to get in touch with that group.  Tennis junkie all the way

    gayle stevens

  • ali zaeemdar

    thanks for your information...,

  • Phil Sullivan

    Hey Mark thank you for your advice. Not quite sure how to edit my profile w my phone? But when I get in front of Mac soon I will add photo and and correct and edit my goofs ~
  • Stefano monti

    Hi mark i cant upload a pic
    When i click in upload image The girls remainder inactive, do u know why ?
  • leAndra Johnson

    I tried and I got stuck after I pressed upload.

  • Francine Whu


  • Dr. Don R. Mueller

    Thank you.

  • TennisMdVaDCFl1

    Here is a test message to you Mark, I sent from the 'Comment Wall' section...

  • Carlos Madeira

    Thank you Mark love your website very nice  ! Thank you again for the friendship !

    Regards CM

  • Carlos Madeira

    Hope can i play more hahahahha  !

  • Roger

    Fairly to new Irvine. Looking for hitting partners/casual tennis. Around a 3.5, could keep a consistent rally. Msg me. Thank you.


  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    Am i not part of the small team here at tennisopolis? its my Job to have ( Some ) Class

  • Kelly Courtoreille

    Thanx Mark. Well there was nobody who came 2 meet me 2 practice & play, but that meeting/event was a spur of the moment idea. Anyway, thanx 4 letting me be apart of this cool site! Have a great day/weekend!


  • Mike Penn

    anywhere we can send profile pics? just have iphone no computer, lol, no worries if not just curious
  • Mark L. Schram

    Awesome, thanks I will spread the word and upload pics etc, cant wait to play again!

  • Jim Cummings

    Mark - Jim Cummings here. Just joined your site which I did not know existed until last week when a friend from northern Wisconsin referred me to it. I had contacted Lloyd for advice on using social media to promulgate the underdstanding of the rules of tennis, an item on the agenda of the USTA Rules Committee meetings held in NY this past weekend. I'm a member of the committee. This is an unofficial contact to see if you might be interested. I haven't had an opportunity to really explore your site, but my thinking  is it might be a good outlet. Do you think your members would have an interest in learning the answer to handling problems that occur in their everyday, non-officiated play? I can send you a column or two I have written for Mid-Atlantic Match Point, something I have been doing for over 15 years, so you could see what I am talking about. 

  • Matthew Sciannella

    Mark, thanks for the message. I'll definitely be uploading and updating info. to have a more robust profile. I joined rather hastily yesterday and have yet to have the opportunity to do so.


    Thanks. Site looks awesome.

  • Ladd Vance

    Hey Mark, It was The Braemar Country Club USTA 4.0 tournament that I won , thanks for the comment and featuring me :) 

  • kimber

    hello mark, thank you for your message.  it is very hard to find players in my town, corvallis oregon.  i struggle finding enough players to meet my needs of fun and exercise.  i am hoping to find players here.  let me know if you have secrets, as i have been trying.  thank you for your help.  kimber

  • Jenny Skoble

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the welcome. I just learned about Tennisopolis, and hope it'll be a good way to meet more people to hit with. I'm advanced beginner/low intermediate, so it's not easy to find compatible people who are serious but also want it to be fun.



  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    very interesting. Wow & i thought he really did nothing.

  • Jacob Chang

    Hi Mark,

    I found your site from Craigslist, trying to look for a tennis partner.  Thank you very much for creating this site.  It's really a great site.  Already, I've met some very cool people, and found playing friendly and helpful partners.

    Thanks Again!


  • John White

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the welcome. Great site. Lots of cool stuff.


  • Andrew Richards

    Hi Mark,

    I moved to the South Coast area of Massachusetts and created a group for it.  How do I get this group to show up under 'Massachusetts'?  Hopefully with time I can get others to join it!

  • Enrique Alvarez

    Yeah! It was the match where Federer beat Nadal in the semis. It was really awesome to watch such great champions go at it. I'm a huge Federer fan so it was special for me to be in the stands watching both of them in person. It was my first time watching either of them in person.

  • Tim Prapong

    Hey, definitely game has changed even more. Well, thanks for the pizza, now I gotta go out and buy one. Made me hungry! lol
  • roger duvernoy


    Thanks for responding.

    No that's my investment banker bass buddy Mark. I'm the harmonicas player in the red jacket. Need to update my pic!

    Does your group have regularly scheduled meetups, or is it more casual?

  • Mikiel Arnold

    Hey Mark,

    Tried to email you back but without any luck.  Do you have another email I can get a hold of you at?


    Mikiel Arnold

  • Francesca

    Hi Mark,

    thanks for the welcome.  Look forward to connecting with more folks!

    Warm regards,


  • Jim Cantwell Moltrasio

    Thanks mayor.  I live on Lake Como in Italy.  Do you have any subjects living over there?

  • CoachV - William Vazquez

  • Tom Stewart

    Hi Mark, I can't wait till spring to use your service. In the meantime I received a message from ( ) When I went on yahoo and performed a search under that email address it became obvious it was spam.Hope you can catch it and stop it before it takes over your board.  Have a nice holiday season.  Tom

  • Gail Johnson

    Mark I wish to not be a member.  I couldn't find a place to delete my profile/membership.  Please remove me.  Thank you, Gail

  • Carlos

    Hi Mark; when you reply to a comment to one person, just like I am doing it right now, is it seen by every member or just the person you reply to??
  • Gary Sakuma

    wow. I just try to post once a week.  Your site is awesome so I feel it's a good place to share information

  • Jefferson Jones

    Danke, Mark.  I am looking forward to hooking up with some 3.5 or 4.0 players with whom to hit.