Jason Lampione


Medford, NY

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Tournament or League Player, Teaching Pro or Coach, Playing Pro, Racquet Stringer, Tennis Club Manager, Tennis Media, Tennis Product Rep
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Westchester, New York
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Tennis Players/Fans,

My name is Jason Lampione, and I am a avid tennis player/coach in the New York/New Jersey area. I came to tennisopolis, because I thought this website was very unique and very fitting for the tennis community in the tri-state area. I came to offer my services as a coach to help improve the game of any willing participant who is looking for a phenomenal coach/mentor to help in the re-construction efforts of his/her tennis game. I offer only the best advise and therefore have the experience/knowledge, passion/desire, and direction to do so. Here is just a brief stint scenario I cover in all aspects of coaching, they are as follows:

1. Bio-mechanics: This aspect is paramount, because it utilizes the fundamental principals in
body posture, racquet movement, hand-eye-coordination, foot-speed, weight
transfer and among other related issues to bio-mechanics in tennis.

2. Strategy: We will cover basic strategy in both singles/doubles depending on your prefe-rence or goals for the season/year. I will assess your on-court abilities, then
create the best possible approach both mentally and physically that will maxi-
mize your potential to win more often. We will talk often both pre and post
match and analyze the significant parts even in positive feed-back to help
induce a confidence booster, and so forth.

3. Nutrition: Of course, one of the most important and under-rated element in the tennis
community would be nutrition. Let me tell you something about the proper uses
of diet and over-eating both good and bad! I would gather if you had a fast-food
feast anytime during a tournament/competitive event you probably realize that
your energy spikes for about an hour before you hit the lowest plateau. The
reason being is simple, your diet or lack thereof is affecting your over-all
performance and that is why you have a hard time recovering between points.
What you eat before...during...after the match is the biggest part of your over-
all performance both from a physical and mental state. However, we will talk
more in depth about this critical component once we establish your assessment

4. Mental: Now, the most intricate part of your training/assessment is your
ability to over-come circumstances that you can't control, have
created or currently thinking about. Your mental "state," is the
primary cause for your out-come in both winning and losing.
No matter what lies ahead in your struggle to survive on the
tennis court...(i.e. weather, opponent, energy, crowds, noise)
your ultimately responsible for "your," out-come in any endeavor
in life, that includes being on the tennis court with someone you
seem to have an inner conflict with...and we will look at this
aspect of your training progression as well.

I've listed the "four," most fundamental and critical components that any player regardless of age, gender, and ability needs to put forth attention to detail if he/she is looking to become a better player. Now, that you are informed on what needs to happen as for the know-how the next step is the most difficult task of them all, the action behind the knowledge.

Now that you have some insight on what to expect in a progressive state of progress. Let me now tell you some of the services I am able to offer and so that you may choose what is best for you and your out-come in the final day. The list is as follows:

1. One-on-one private coaching: This would include yourself and I engaging in your
over-all assessment of your game in and improvement
depending on what your goals were for the season-
or year. This is the fastest way to improve and gain
a higher succession rate then group lesson(s) or just
merely hitting around without guidance.

2. Group coaching: This embodies at least a ratio of 4-1 depending on the location,
and group selected. The group will be closely related by ability
and hand selected to ensure proper transition and placement.
You can expect to have a lot of fun, and quality of instruction
is always informative and direct. If your taking a private lesson
it's ideal to always take a group lesson to gauge your improvement
ability with others to see if your actually making progress.

3. Tournament Training: This is for a select few who are interested in all aspects of
improvement. Ideally, the candidate would either be ranked, or
be placed on a high school, middle school team and wants to
make the next step to varsity if he/she is struggling with junior
varsity match-play and the sorts. We focus on speed training,
psychology, movement, ball-placement, strategy, bio-mechanic,
and one-on-one coaching and match play assessment.

4. U.S.T.A. coaching/match play assessment (ADULTS): This unique program is one of a kind.
If your a captain of a U.S.T.A./M.I.T.L.
team, and your in need of expert
advice on team performance, strategy,
communication, or assessing why
your team is always finishing last or
has a hard time progressing to the next
level, this program is geared for that
sole purpose. I will assess your match-
es, make roster changes if and when
necessary, teach you new doubles
position(s), and mental strategies I
rarely see anymore. If you'd like more
indepth review, then please, contact
me anytime.

5. Travel Coach: This is purely for either one person or a group of person(s) whose main
agenda is to increase his/her ranking by sectional, or national. Ideally, this level
of commitment is on a full-time basis, because of the pre-match/post-match
preperations. We concentrate on all the aspects of the game, to the extent that
traveling, video-analysis, bio-mechanics, nutrition, strategy play as a role in the
over-all development of the junior/adult. The core of this program is to under-
stand the mental aspects of each player, and maximizing his/her potential as a
person and tennis player in all respects. Any curiculum can be made and
tailored to accordingly. Again, if you are in need of more information I am
always available for comment and inquiry if need be.

6. Hitting/Sparring partner/coach: This program is strictly for a pre-match warm up, or
assessment in a short time frame. Basically, you book an hour
with myself, we assess your strategy for the match, and do
drills, live play, and point situations that are geared to the
match either on that day or in advance. This is a great way to
increase your confidence on the court prior to a match. Very
popular amongst tournament/high school varsity players.

Each and every program is unique and offers all diversified aspects to each and every need. If you or someone you know of would be interested in either applying for such a program or lesson, he or she can contact me directly at anytime. I offer hourly rates, packages based on season length and packages run in 5, 10, 15, 20-24 week sessions. Make-ups will be given to all those that have travel, or family concerns. If you'd like to contact me for any reason, perhaps you just wanna hit the ball around once a week or whatever...perhaps you'd like to talk about whose going to win the U.S. Open in 2008, regardless I am a very friendly and informative person for any need. You can contact me directly at this address:

1. jlampione@yahoo.com (email)

2. 631-682-9894 (cell phone)


Jason Lampione


The areas I cover are New Jersey/New York and Fairfield County, Connecticut.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Pete Sampras, Boris Becker, Roger Federer.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good, NTRP 5.0, NTRP 5.5, NTRP 6.0, I'm a pro!, Pretty damn good.
On the court, I am a:
rightie, doubles partner, singles player, bomber, serve-n-volleyer, acer, one-hander, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

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  • Jeff Salzenstein

    Jason, Thanks for the friend request. Great website!

  • Tom Avery

    Hi Jason,

    All is well, my website should be totally finished in 2-3 days.  Thanks for the help with contacting Jeff, I will be contacting him as soon as the site is done.

    All the best,


  • Brian Atkns

    Looking to play casual, intermediate tennis. Willing to travel. Brian