Coach Dudley


San Ramon, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Teaching Pro or Coach, Racquet Stringer, Tennis Product Rep
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
San Ramon, CA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I've been away from playing competitive tennis for many many years. I was rated for Open division but given a 5.5+ for league play. I was a USTA volunteer, part of the Tennis for Public Schools Program for Oakland and SF. Most recently, I have been giving private coaching and instruction to juniors and adults in the Tri-Valley area. I have also coached East Bay USTA Ladies 3.0 to 4.0 teams and local high schools, both girls and boys. My first season the team and I had a 10-0 record at Cal. I was a long time member of the USTA and USRSA. Was also a certified racquet stringer.

In 2002 I had hand surgery for a metacarpal boss. Over some years before with the ailment and months of rehab, I fell out of touch with my many tennis contacts, business and social. I had to stop all tennis activity and never quite got back to the sport although I have become a pretty good guitar player.

As of 8/09, I started a new leaf. Tennis has been a huge part of my life I've always enjoyed competitive or social. I want to get back to the sport and give back to the community. I just joined Tennisopolis and also started a new tennis group called: Tri-Valley Tennis Assn. 2010, Currently Director/coach for Youth Tennis League in San Ramon, at Dougherty High. Also helped the Clubsport 7.0 Mix Combo, for 2011. If you live in the area, I welcome you to join TVTA.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
I don't follow professional tennis much since the likes of Rafter, Sampras and Agassi left the game. I do remember the old pros, Laver, Rosewall and watching TV matches of Nastase, Newcombe, Lendl, McEnroe, Wilander, Edberg, Becker, and Connors. Those were the days of exciting tennis. If I had to pick a current pro, I'd have to say Federer and Sharapova but I don't follow them. I have more fun with real people and friends like you.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Getting there
On the court, I am a:
rightie, chip-n-charger, slicer, doubles partner, singles player, acer, returner, one-hander, grunter, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Outdoors at Central Park, Athan Downs, Osage, Cal HS
Relationship status:
Who wants to know?
Favorite website:

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  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hey Coach, what do you think about that USTA survey that they sent out yesterday proposing a change to league match points?  Here's the discussion:

    Would love to get your feedback there.


  • Rein Venting


    Can you refer a coach in the Walnut Creek,

  • Gina Teddone

    Hi I'm looking for 3.5 players to join my team. If you looking to play up I'm willing to open enrollment to 3.0 players as well. Please contact me thru the USTA website under Davie. Thanks!