Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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    Thanks for the information.

  • ajay ashoke

    I don't have one that looks good
  • Mark

    Sturbridge is about 1 hr west of boston....Great place 2 live

    I can be anywhere from here........mts ocean all kinds of things 2 do.

    Hope 2 get out there this year and play......I played for years but go in cycles

    from different interest....skiing kayaks motorcycle ....back 2 tennis this summer


    Mr. Mark thank you very much for recognizing my effort in helping kids form my village where i was born to learn how to play tennis in Ghana....I am really interested in children development through tennis and it is something that i will like to do for life but due to inadequate  rackets and tennis balls i have to improvise  some wooden bats in my village to start this kids....I know it will interest you to know that i started a tennis foundation back in my village before i relocated from Ghana to the States here on green card....I am looking forward to meet a tennis enthusiast who can help me develop this my tennis foundation back in Ghana...Currently i live in Maryland in the city of Laurel.....I will much appreciate you is there is any help you can give to help develop this kids in Ghana eg old rackets,balls,shoes,dresses etc just for kids..This is my cell number 301-256-2312...I look forward to meet you in person one day....Thanks for reading

  • Rich Mondello

    Sorry I am in NJ working in Franklin Lakes and residing in Blairstown, NJ. Hope to eventually find some beginner players.


  • Georgina Aguila

    thank you, i will see all the links you game me, and i hope i can learn some about tennis because i would love learn more about this amazing sport.

  • shabbir ahmed khokhar

    i am looking to play with someone atleast 3-4 days a week. i liveing in lagrange zip code 30240 i dont have a account on facebook, and i intend not to open one, i hope to find someone around here by febuary when it really gets better outside.

  • Brad Nye

    Ready to get back in tennis shape post winter.  Thanks.

  • Ben Hoge

    Great thanks Mark, looking forward to some tennis!

  • Vernula UtIHS

    Thank you, Mark! It is a bit exciting to see just how vast this network truly is. I appreciate the welcome and the information. I will also share this network with friends. Have a grand week! vu.

  • Ahmed nazir

    Hi,I am Ahmed nazir from Egypt I am a tennis player and coach for many years ,wish to contact some coaches here will be great
  • Taylor Brown

    It's great to see there's a site like this one up an running. Thanks for providing the service. Have an upvote! (Oh wait... different site)

  • Tennis Coach Abs

    Don't know yet.. :(

  • TennisWithD

    Hey Mark, long time happy new year! How are those new years resolutions come along?

  • TennisWithD

    Hey Mark, the tweeter and fb options from within Tennisopolis to share my new blog are not available/ working, may you help me look into it?


  • Paul Atreides

    Hahaha!  Add a full head of white hair and a clean shave and you're there!

  • Rickey

    Oh ok.. I have been a member, but haven't been on much.  Will do.  R

  • Ari K

    Thanks for reaching out!
  • Aleksey Bubis

    Thanks Mark, will do!
  • Nancy Rancho Mirage CA

    please explain the red ribbon and ect to me

  • Zane S

    Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to playing tennis again and meet some good tennis dudes.

  • Dawn Howes

    Hi Mark the Mayor...great webpage. I just joined. I've been searching for partners in the Hoboken NJ area...seems most post were made in 2010...three years. I hope to get more people involved this year. Any suggestions?  

    My hardest challenge is to find someone that can play in the afternoons (as my work schedule doesn't allow me to play in the evenings when 99% of people play) UGH. 

    Keep up the good work. 

  • David

    Hey Mark - would you like to hit some time?
  • Awake

    Thanks Mark; Ready and looking forward to hit some balls for the season, 2013. I am not sure if anyone started playing for the season and wonder how, when and where to meet the members to get to know each other and find the best mach. I am a new menber and looking forward to play some tennis mostly weekdays in the evening and weekend more likely anytime and hope somebody let me know.

    Thank you very much :-)

  • Robin M

    Hi, could you tell me how to remove my profile from this site, please.  I didn't see an option for that.  Thx.

  • Noel Haynes

    Thanks Mark for reaching out. I thought I had added one before but I guess not. Looking forward to meeting new folks and hitting on the courts.

  • Yoshi Takeda


    Thanks for your email.  I love Nishikori - would be great if he can get over the injury plague that surrounds him.  But I like to consider myself a student of the game - I get into people who know about Pancho Gonzales, Laver/Rosewall/Emerson/Hoad, The Three Musketeers, Bill Tilden, Suzanne Lenglen, Mo Connolly, Budge/Perry/Vines, etc.



  • Frauky

      :-) - and now waiting to be found...what location do you recommend?

  • tenedab

    Thanks for your welcome.

  • Pam

    Hi Mark-the-Mayor!  

    I love the concept of your site, but is there a way to search my area (such as entering my zip code) and travel distance (i.e. within a 20 mile radius) to find tennis partners?



  • Rashad Gettone

    Hey I'm trying to respond to an email a member sent me, but the website won't allow me to send emails. How can you help me?

    Hi Mark, 

    Cool site. I just joined and am a 4.5 USTA rated player as well. Is it possible for me to edit my profile? 

    Also, can you be contacted by regular e-mail or phone or only in "comments". 

    Thanks in advance. 


  • Poacher

    Thanks Mark, great site! 

  • Christopher Aloysius Tesoriero

    Hi Mark - great site! Now that the South Bay link/group is fixed I'm happy just being a member. But if you need help, im happy to administrate. Just not sure what the role consists of.
  • Lionel H

    Thanks for the info

  • John Rasmussen

    Thanks, Mark. It is a great site. I hope to be able to use it to find partners when I travel around the world, which I do rather often.

  • Sang Na

    Mark, you are my first friend.
    I hope to find out partners and play tennis from time to time.

  • Naotoshi Tamaru

    Thank you for your message. I'm looking forward to playing with new friends!

  • Tennis Coach Abs

    Thank YOU for doing the Ghana project ! 

  • Shawna Bayarea

    Thanks Mark.  Such a nice site. 



  • Andres Garcia

    Thanks Mark, I hope this website grows bigger and bigger
  • Ean

    Will do. Thanks
  • Liang Chen

    Thx for your work.

  • Katerina Mell

    Love him of course! Who doesn't ;)

  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    OK I will Tweet him.

  • Barbara

    Thank you!

  • trevor mathew paul martenstyn

    well done mark, it looks a fabulous site, must have been hard work, just join not really good with internet, but looking forward to be a member or your club, many thanks for letting me to be a member. trevor martenstyn.

  • Kathy Rioux

    Mark, thanks for reaching out!   Awesome social website.  Hope I meet some local players and can improve on my game.   Congratulations for your success so far!  I have a cousin who lives in Santa Fe, but have never been there.   I know they got snow the other day!  Hope it does not bog down your play time.  Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Bob Monsour

    Hi Mark, thanks for the welcome message. This looks like an incredible tennis community with lots to offer. I look forward to finding some locals who are also members.

    Keep up the great work!
