DJ Tony Tón


Teaneck, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tournament or League Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, Florida
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Been playing tennis for 12+ years and possess great athleticism, court tenacity, and I'm truly dedicated to the sport. I'm a solid (4.5 NTRP) player with consistent groundstrokes, a reliable serve, and can handle pace rather well. I prefer singles but will also dabble in competitive doubles, from time to time.

I'm an avid tennis player, who strives to get out on the courts at least 4 days a week! I enjoy playing for both mental and physical wellness. I'm an "all season" player and hit year round-- Especially during the hot & humid months... but, once the temps straddle below 43°, I migrate to the indoor courts! ;-}

Hardcourt is my favorite surface of choice, but with fair compromise, I may consider playing on the clay/hard-tru.

People are often amazed and give high compliments in terms of the endurance and stamina I display on-court... I will typically spend 5 hours or more (non-stop) without tiring... 9 times out of 10, I'm usually the "last man standing"! ;-}

I enjoy simple rallying, drills, or playing matches-- whichever is preferred by my hitting partner; I am versatile player and can adapt to variant skill sets, as well as, conform to casual or competitive level play.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
** Any humble player!! **
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good, NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
singles player, top-spinner, all courter, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
** Anyplace where there are hardcourts, good nets, and decent lighting!! **

** I will travel the distance for the love of the sport... **

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! Welcome to Tennisopolis which connects you with your tennis network: players, fans, coaches, clubs and groups.

    What can you do here? At Tennisopolis, you can:

    - network with your tennis friends. Invite your tennis friends and build your network now.
    - meet new players. Here's a primer on how to find partners.
    - join a Group. Members have started over 400 Local Groups (and other types of Groups too.) Search for one in your area, or start your own.
    - follow the pros. There are over 1900 blog posts on Tennisopolis. Have a good read, or write your own.
    - improve your game. Get tips in the Forum and check out video lessons.
    - post your own Videos and add your own Photos.

    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 25,000 members. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
    Friend me!

  • Jason Lampione

    DJ Tony Ton,


    Thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to speak with you today!  If you'd like, you can contact me directly via cell phone (646)796-6762, I figured you wanted to connect and play sometime, which is something I am always interested in doing.  I look forward to speaking with you soon, have a great weekend!




    Jason Lampione

  • Kenya Davis

    are you in the orlando area? If you wanna hit please let me know...and welcome to the group

  • Klaus Koenig

    Hi Tony,

    Unfortunately, I am no longer in NYC, but Copenhagen, Denmark. If I come back any time soon I'll hit you up. Happy New Year to you.


  • frank

    looking for a partner to hit with during the week at teaneck

  • frank

    looking for a partner to hit with during the week at teaneck

  • Tennis Coach Abs

    Thank you  Tony, if you were a lil' closer would've loved to hit with you :)

  • Eric (4.5)

    Hi Tony, thanks for your note. Happy to hit one of these weekends if you can make it to NYC and have a tennis permit. Good to meet another NTRP 4.5er....I find there are many people in NYC who say they are "club" 4.5's but really are probably NTRP 4.0 or below.

  • Patrick Chang

    awesome I'd love to hit in manhattan whenever it is mutually convenient!!!