Bart Wallace


Pasadena, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tournament or League Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Pasadena, CA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I am an Artist, Animator, Athlete..and love to play tennis tournaments again, after not playing tennis for 25 yrs...

I like to drill / practice and play practice sets ..and like to run up mt wilson 1 - 2 times a month.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Fognini, Gasquet, Dolgopolov, Bemelmans, Rybarikova
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad, NTRP 5.0
On the court, I am a:
rightie, trixter, whaler, singles player
My favorite local courts:
local Pasadena courts
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! Welcome to Tennisopolis which connects you with your tennis network: players, fans, coaches, clubs and groups.

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    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 23,000 members. Invite yours too!
    Friend me!

  • Heidi

    HI Bart!
    Would love to play tennis. when are you free?
  • Bart Wallace

    Hey Heidi,
    I am free today, friday....or touch base next week...

    hasta b
  • Bart Wallace

    I may not get back to this site today, or daily for that matter so here is my ph...6265683369

    hasta b
  • Heidi

    Hey Bart!
    Let me know when you are free for tennis.
  • Andrew Lee

    Hey Bart, I am looking for someone play sets with weekday mornings. if you are available, please let me know.
  • Andrew Lee

    Sorry can't play tmrw. How about Monday?
    My cell 626-375-2176.
  • Andrew Lee

    Tue, wed or thur is good with me. I coach in the afternoon and nights and weekends so all weekday mornings are usually good.
  • Arianne Kim

    Hi...I have time coming up early this week..flexible time....if you want to hit some balls let me know.......tishan10 on yahoo IM....thanks. Ari
  • Arianne Kim

    hey bart.....tues at 5.00 sounds good.....please leave your number so either you or i can call before leaving....thanks
  • Alan

    Bart, Pasadena is the closet group created...I work from home and have lots of spare time...I will travel the extra distance to play tennis... if you want to play sometime send me a message.
  • Decker

    I am always up for a good tennis match...I beat a 5.5 player: 1,0, and 0 last week. I am a teaching pro. If you want to practice on shots, I can help you with that...If you are looking for a tennis coach who will push your game to the next level, I am up for it... $25.00 for as long as we play...No trixter shots, haha

  • Decker

    Good answer!!!! It was not my intention to upset you...Only, I am tired of meeting 5.0 players who are really 3.0.....It is a waste of my time to play them and beat them 0 and 0....If you are a player, we will have a blast....YES, Want to play?????

  • Decker

    Fantastic...Maybe I'll go into those tournaments too. If you like the way I play, it would be fun to play doubles....Fast and aggressive...The rain sucks....No playing today... For sure, we need to play...I grew up in Pasadena; Dave Reed was my coach....

  • Decker

    How about Wednesday next week (12-22)... I am out of town after that... I am off that day, so the earlier the better....

  • Decker

    This week looks wet... If it lets up, I'll contact you to play...11 for Wed. unless it is raining. Maybe the weather will lift just for us... ha

    I entered the Rose Bowl tournament. If you are there, I will look for you....

  • Decker

    Can we make our match at 1 tomorrow?
  • Decker

    see you then
  • Decker

    Wednesday at 1 works for me... See you then...
  • Andrew Lee

    Hey, would be interested in playing next week in the morning sometime?
  • Tim Prapong

    How was your tournament last week? My offer stands on warming you up for the Rose Bowl tournament. :)
  • drnd

    Hey Bart,

    Would love to hit or play sets anytime evening or weekend mornings.  Let me know.

  • drnd

    Lets do it.  Let me know next week when you want to play.  Good luck in the semi's.



  • drnd

    Hey Bart,

    I can only play thursday night this week.  Let me know if you are available.


  • Andrew Lee

    How about thur afternoon at 2pm?
  • drnd

    See you thurs (cal tech) at 6 pm.
  • Andrew Lee

    Ok let's do Friday at 10am. Where at?
  • Tim Prapong

    Bart, I would love nothing more than to hit, but I am most likely moving stuff every day until Monday. Hope it happens fast.
  • Andrew Lee

    Ok cal tech courts at 10am then. I have a little cold right now but hopefully I'll get over it by Friday. I'll confirm with you again thur night. Here is my cell 626-375-2176. Call or text 
  • Andrew Lee

    Can you play from 1-3pm instead?
  • Andrew Lee

    Great, see you at 1.
  • Andrew Lee

    Just saw your message. Let's try for next Monday.
  • drnd

    Wanna hit this week?  I'm available tomorrow or wed night.



  • JJ Wallace

    Squak... I cant believe you wrote to Andrew after I left today... too funny. I just signed up for this site so lets see if I find some hitters up here in my neck of the woods... Nice hittin today bro... way cool.. especially leaving in 1 piece, sore as hell now but well worth it...



  • drnd

    Great. Let's play. I can play anywhere. I usually play at the rose bowl, but we can play anywhere. You pick a place. I'll be there at 6pm.

  • Andrew Lee

    Let's play thur at 10am?
  • Andrew Lee

    Hey bart, can't do fri. Email, text or call me to play next week. I dont check this site sometimes.
  • drnd


    Wanna hit tomorrow? 6pm.

  • drnd

    sounds good. see you there.
  • Tennis Coach Abs

    Ya,Pls. pass me your no. Do you have mine ? See you 8 40 caltech courts. Till then,
  • Aamir Ali

    let's do tomorrow at 11.  you have my number. caltech alright?


  • Tim Prapong

    Well, I really dislike the burnt red orange disaster color scheme of the French Open Aero Pro. I like the yellow and black. But the only thing I can guess is that the French Open was strung two lbs looser with the same string, Topspin Cyber Flash.

    Ugh, that kid ended up trading the Aero Pro to a former doubles pro. The pro sharked him and gave him two Head junior titanium racquets!

  • Lavie Sak

    hit this evening?
  • Lavie Sak

    Likley roundabout 630, do you have an exact addy?
  • Lavie Sak

    730 on Monday night?
  • Lavie Sak

    Yup tues at 7
  • Lavie Sak

    you think PCC may be more liekly to have an open court?
  • Lavie Sak

    lets still try cal tech
  • Lavie Sak

    Cal tech at 730 tonight?
  • Lavie Sak

    can you play tomorrow night?