Tom Avery


Naples, FL

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Teaching Pro or Coach, Teaching Pro/ Coach
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Naples, Florida
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Im a pro, I'm a pro!
On the court, I am a:
rightie, one-hander
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Tom! Great to see that you have created a profile here. You can customize this page with Avery images and information and links to your site. I think Tennisopolis can be a great marketing tool for you.

    Here is a copy of our standard welcome message so you can get a sense of it even though I doubt you are looking to meet opponents.:

    Welcome to the "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you. We created this place in December and it has been a wild ride ever since - we've gone viral and now we're "almost famous".

    What can you do here?
    At Tennisopolis, you can:
    - meet other players. Here's a primer on how to find partners.
    - join a Group. Members have started over 190 Local Groups (and other types of Groups too.) Search for one in your area, or start your own.
    - follow the pros. There are over 900 blog posts on Tennisopolis. Have a good read, or write your own.
    - improve your game. Get tips in the Forum and check out video lessons.
    - post your own Videos or embed your favorites from youtube.
    - add your own Photos.
    - and just hang out and connect with great people.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 13,600 members and we're growing by 90 new members a day. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    hey tom, you don't know me but I have always loved your heavy raquet concept.
    CoachV - William Vazquez
  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    What Will be the details of the REP position. Im not currently contracted to any company and I am very particular about which racquets I play with too. Call me 678-836-7665 or Email
  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    Yeah I grew up in Norwood and graduated from Clinton
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Tom,  I hope you've been well.  Looks like a great tennis season is headed our way!


  • Karen Henderson

    hello! I am very eager to improve my game and would like to know if you give lessons?
  • Karen Henderson

    I live in naples florida. East naples specifically. How much do you charge?
  • Karen Henderson

    the traveling part would depend on what day you hold the lessons, im 16 and cant drive yett so my mom would have to take me. also, what are the times you have the lessons? you tell me what you charge and i can see if its affordable.
  • Karen Henderson

    heyy tim! Im still interested in the lessons if your available.