Joshua Louis


United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Somerville, MA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I am a 29 year old male who is a huge tennis fanatic. I currently live in Somerville, and have been living there for about six and a half years now. I have not played in over a year, but I would very much like to get back on the courts again. I was wondering if anybody knows of any indoor courts in the Boston/Somerville/Cambridge area to play at until the weather gets warm again. I look forward to any responses, and enjoy the rest of you day. E-mail: Phone: (617)625-3326.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Michael Chang, Novak Djokovic, James Blake, Andy Roddick, Lindsay Davenport, the Williams sisters, Jennifer Capriati, Martina Navratilova, Seffi Graf, Monica Seles, etc.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.0
On the court, I am a:
chip-n-charger, slicer, watcher, singles player, returner, one-hander, gamer, lobber, all courter, drop-shotter, gracious winner, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Garden St. in Porter Square, Ellery St. near Harvard Square, Tufts University, and Foss Park in Somerville
Relationship status:

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  • Andrew Kessel

    Sorry, I can play today - are you still free? Would you be able to come to JP after work today? Maybe around 6:20? My cell is: 802-318-6967
  • Andrew Kessel

    Hey Joshua,

    I got your message thanks. Sorry about all of those messages before. Let's shoot for the 16th after work. Can you come to JP?
  • Andrew Kessel

    It looks like it might rain on Friday. We'll have to see tomorrow night. I'll give you a call either way since I have your number. If we do play in JP, the public courts are right near Stony Brook on the Orange Line and I get off work at about 6. We'll be in touch
  • Andrew Kessel

    Since there's a 80% chance of rain tomorrow I think we should bag it. Can you play Saturday any time in JP (although there is still a 30% chance of rain Saturday)
  • Andrew Kessel

    eee, no can do, sorry. Maybe Sunday at that time would work? It was just raining out so I don't think today would have worked. But let's not give up
  • Josh

    Hey Josh. Josh here.

    Interested in hitting today. It's suddenly awesome weather outside. Seems like MIT's main courts might be a good in-between spot for us.

    Let me know if you're up for it. Dying to get out there today!

  • Eric

    Hey Josh, Thanks for note. I'm out of town this week, but keep me posted in the future. Where do you like to play in Somerville?

  • Winston

    Hi Josh,

    I love tennis, and I'm definitely looking for people to hit. I played tournaments as a junior now rated 5.0. I can hit anytime. Let me know if interested ( or 917.328.3986)

  • Brant Buckley

    I just got back into Boston what did your message say?
  • Winston


    6/5 works for me. How about 7pm?

  • Susan Matthews

    Hi Josh,

    You left me a a message a while ago on Tennisapolis about playing tennis. Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you.
    I didn't even realize I had a message on there. Are you available to play in the next couple weeks?

    I can play in Cambridge/Somerville/Boston, I can usually get to courts by 6pm Mon-Fri.

    Let me know if you want to play.

  • Francis

    Hi Josh, I got your message, thanks. Where do you usually play in Somerville?
  • Winston

    Sure, 17ths works. How bout 3pm?
  • bill22

    Hey man. Sure, when do u want to play? Wednesday/Thursday this week? I have no idea where courts are in the area so I'll take ur word for it. Let me know.
  • Nezam

    Hey Josh! Thanks for your note. It would be good to meet up soon. Maybe this weekend or early next week. I am free and flexible for about 3 weeks. So I can do early afternoons or evening. Weekends are cool too. Tomorrow I am busy, but Friday looks good weather wise... Weekend is iffy but I am free and would like to meet up if that works for you.
  • Ramon

    hey Josh,

    I emailed you, but it bounced back.

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Did you at least hit the ball? :-)

    When are you usually free to play?
  • Nezam

    I am actually busy June 21 and 22nd. I started private lessons with a coach .. realized I have some work to do before I am more in shape and get the hang of things again. I am working to improve until then ... we could meet up after 21 or 22nd. Good luck!
  • Katherine

    Hey Josh,

    I am in somerville/cambridge all the time and work really close to the area. Let me know if you would want to hit around this week or next. Im about a 3.0-3.5. I used to play competitvely (a few years ago.. ok highschool so like 10 years ago!)let me know what works...
  • Brant Buckley

    Sorry i'm so busy. I'm taking 10 classes this summer and it is a lot of work. I'm definitaley not taking it easy! I'll try and send you a set of dates that work for me after my midterms!
  • Paul

    Hey Josh,
    I am in Lowell, pretty far from where you are. Usually, I played every afternoon or evening. Write me a message if you planed to play in lowell. I am around 4.0 .
  • Xavier

    Great. That sounds perfect! I'm still learning under non-formal settings. I'm a bit under the weather these last few days so no games for me now, but we can try and set up a general time and location of where we could try and meet. Where do you usually play and when?

    My cell's (617) 838-6782
  • Rory Craven


    I should be around this weekend. I recently moved to the North End where there are courts very close to me. My number is 970-590-9997 and email is

  • Ricky

    Hey Josh,

    I'd be free to play this weekend. My email is

  • Bo

    Josh, sounds interesting, but we live too far away from each other. I prefer to play with locals.
  • Charleen

    Hi Josh,
    I would like to play sometime. I have a couple other people that I'm trying to set up with so maybe we can do a doubles match or something. I will chat with them and get back to you. This week is not good with the holiday. chat soon, char
  • Barry

    Hi Josh,

    Thanks for writing. At 3.0, you may be a bit better than me; I'm still unsure of my rating. However, I'd be happy to play sometime. Since you mention your age, I'll mention mine: 44.

    I live in Beverly. Where were you thinking of meeting?

  • Seth

    sounds good Josh...I'm shooting you an email now...
  • Hank

    Hey Josh,

    Thanks for the note! Actually, I am a 4.5 or more so it probably wouldn't be a great match for us. I apologize ...

    I appreciate you contacting me though ...


  • James

    Hi Josh! Yes, we can sure go out and play, maybe some time next week? I'll give you a call or you can reach me at (617) 487-8133.
  • Carlos


    I would certainly be interested, you must know that I am just getting started and practice is what I need. If you are around weekends, I am available in the afternoons. Let me know if that works for you. You can reach me directly by email at


  • Carlos

    Hi Josh,

    I am available August 3rd to play, do you prefer any specific courts ? Let me know.

  • Benjamin Asfaw

    Hi Josh,
    Are you free during the day tomorrow? I'm free to play up until about 3pm. I live in Winter Hill, very close to Foss Park. I'm happy to meet you there or anywhere else in Somerville.
    If interested, my e-mail is
  • Carlos

    Hi Josh,
    Yes, the courts in porter square work for me.
    Do we need to reserve them?
    I am free all day August 3rd, name the time and I will be there.

  • Carlos

    Hi Josh,

    Yes 10:00 am August 3rd sounds good.
    I will contact you later to confirm.

    See you then.

  • Carlos

    Hi Josh,

    Are we still on for August 3rd 10:00 am ?
    Let me know,


  • Carlos

    Cool, see you tomorrow at 10 am
    Call me at 617 459 1303, if anything changes.

  • Chris

    Hi Josh, thanks for your note! It's generous of you to play with a beginner, and I'd be glad to play with you. My schedule is currently flexible during daytime hours, Monday & Friday evening hours, and weekends, although August 8-10 is booked. Let me know if any time this week works, or let's try again after August 11th.
  • Carlos

    Hi Josh,

    Let me know, if you are around to hit some balls.

  • DianaB

    Hi Josh, I'm about a 3.5 and and am looking for someone to play with. Would you like to play this weekend, either Saturday or Sunday in the morning sometime? The courts that are most convenient for me are the Anderson courts on Pemberton St near Porter Square and the courts on Garden Street near Porter/Harvard Sqs.

  • John Holguin

    Hey Josh, what are you plans for Sunday? Interested in playing some?
  • Scott

    Hey Josh, thanks for the post. i will be out of town for the weekend but maybe sometime during the week? Anytime, except thursday nights, for I have softball that night. Do you know of any good leagues too? I would like to get involved in one. You can hit me up on my email:
  • Scott

    ps -I'm am not sure what my ranking is, how do you go about getting one?
  • matxmike85

    hey josh, when were you looking to play?
  • Katie

    Hey Josh! I would love to play sometime. I also live in Somerville, so perhaps we can find a place to play around there. I'm available most evenings and weekends. Just let me know!
  • Alan Paul

    Hey Josh,
    So my dad's wedding is this weekend, and it looks like I have to take a bus to Amherst on Friday. Sorry bout that- completely forgot. Does any other day work for you this week? Thanks.
  • Alan Paul

    I actually just found a ride for Saturday morning, so I can still do this Friday at 4. See you then.
  • Alan Paul

    Hey, sorry I couldn't play last Friday. I can this Friday though if you're down. Let me know!
  • Alan Paul

    Hey, my weekend is looking busy, but Sunday might work. I'll let you know. Otherwise any day next week could probably work.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    We're running a fun Aussie 09 Bracket Challenge for tennis fans. Make your predictions and follow along. This is the link. Please share this link with any of your friends on Tennisopolis and beyond.

  • Drew Lengerich

    Hi Joshua,

    How's it going. I was wondering if you would want to play tennis sometime!
