

San Francisco,CA

United States

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I am a:
Playing Pro
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Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Looking for partner around
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 5.0, NTRP 5.5
Relationship status:

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  • Lennart van Campen

    Hi Paul,

    Im a playing pro from the Netherlands. I brought my rackets to SF so i would love it to train with otter good players. Im in Town untill the 4th of August. I can play anyday at any time.

  • Lennart van Campen

    Hi paul, i tried texting you but it might havent come trough. I will be back in sf by tuesday. Im able to play every day. My phone number is +31621669582 (dutch number)
  • Lennart van Campen