Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

I don't know how we all missed this story back in 2008 through 2010.  Many newspapers ran a story about Robert Dee who they called the "world's worst" player explaining that he had lost 54 straight professional tennis matches.  Dee later sued or threatened to sue these outlets for libel and received letters of apology and cold hard cash from up to 30 of them.  See, Dee had won some smaller Spanish league professional matches and hadn't truly lost 54 in a row.  He proudly displays the apology letters and even scans of the actual settlement checks on his website.

A lot of us here have dreamed of going pro.  How would have you handled losing 54 ITF matches in a row? And what would you have done if you were suddenly called the "world's worst" in newspapers around the world?

(thanks to V for digging this story up.)

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