

Brooklyn, NY

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Brooklyn, NY
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I recently started playing after many years off. I've taken about eight lessons with a pro at Prospect Park. Definite improvement. Would be up for a two-person lesson with someone else, and/or playing. Little hard to rate myself. 2.5? 3? Probably depends on the day.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Rafael Nadal
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player, two-hander, one-hander, beginner
My favorite local courts:
Prospect Park. I've played at Pratt, too. And the Ft. Greene courts would also be fine.

Comment Wall:

  • marybeth

    Thanks for responding. I am having a bit of trouble with my knee lately. When I am back to playing, I will def email you. Thanks
  • Odehyah Gough

    Hi Patty,
    I currently play once a week in Harlem at Riverbank State Park. But I also have played at Lincoln Park at Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn (near Buffalo). I'm available to play on Sundays, or after work (until the weather gets too cold). I'm amenable to splitting the cost of an indoor couort (Prospect Park) during the winter months, which generally runs about $30 an hour.
  • Odehyah Gough

    Pratt sounds great! PP is also good. I'm available most Sundays altho I'll be in ATL Nov. 2nd. Please email me at and let's plan to connect soon.