Lindsay Rawling




Profile Information:

I am a:
Tournament or League Player
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My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 5.5
On the court, I am a:

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  • David


    I'm looking for practice partners who can keep up with me. My current tennis partners can't really hang in anymore. 



  • Winston Szeto

    Hi Lindsay,

    Are you still looking for hitting partners (weekends or weekday evenings)?  You can look up my profile.  I am just looking for a hitting partner.  I am not looking for a match (I doubt I could give you much of a match these days as I do not play very regularly anymore and have not played competitively for quite some time now).  If you are interested in just hitting, then please send me a message.

    I live in West Vancouver, but I can drive to Kits or wherever.  I could also meet up after normal office hours Monday to Friday as I work downtown (while there is still daylight).



  • Ian Mackenzie

    Hi there, my name is Ian I am seeking tennis partner for mixed doubles tournament in Abbotsford . let me know if you are interested.  Thanks, Ian"