Curtis Wilson


Ayden, NC

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player, Racquet Stringer
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Anything outdoors and a shutter bug
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Getting there
On the court, I am a:
chip-n-charger, serve-n-volleyer, acer, two-hander, one-hander, trash talker, top-spinner, gracious winner, gracious loser
Relationship status:
Who wants to know?

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi, I'm Mark, the founder of Tennisopolis, the world's largest and most active tennis network. Please share Tennisopolis with your friends by supporting our Facebook page. Click here for a Guide to Meet Tennis Partners.
    Have a look at our introduction page which will help you navigate the massive network which now has over 43,000 members and 650 local tennis groups.

    Friend me,
    Mark, The Mayor of Tennisopolis

  • Scott Dance

    Still playing?

  • Scott Dance

    Hey Curtis, what's the best way to contact you? Got a Facebook page (I can message you) or I can text you. Asking because I notice that play with my group is usually put together on the same day with an emphasis on Sundays and Wednesdays. Thanks! Scott