nick yee


Anaheim, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
orange county
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.5, NTRP 4.0, If tennis is on TV - I am watching
On the court, I am a:
rightie, chip-n-charger, gawker, poacher, doubles partner, serve-n-volleyer, two-hander, all courter, drop-shotter, sore winner
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

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  • Joe B. (BP, CA)

    Can u text me at (714)293-6323?
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Nick,

    You should add something for a profile pic.


  • Mark / The Mayor

    That's great.  Glad you did.   For some reason, it makes the site work a lot better.