Chad Hyde


Long Beach, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I don't play as much as I like to and it's almost my secret sport since I prefer extreme sports. I enjoy playing since it doubles as a great workout and gets me outdoors. I am a huge outdoors fan whether thats mountain biking, running, motorcycle racing etc.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
I don't follow tennis just like to play
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad, NTRP 3.5, NTRP 4.0, Do not know my rating
On the court, I am a:
rightie, singles player, gracious winner, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
I typically play at the courts in Naples, Seal Beach and the Park on Park St. (?)
Relationship status:

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  • Vang

    Hey Chad, sorry for the delay in responding. Send me an email: and I will let you know when I'm available to hit. Thanks.
  • Jessica k

    Thanks :) Hopefully we'll play sometime soon.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    What kind of motorcycle do you ride?  I just bought a Triumph and I love it.