Jazz Burks

48, Male


United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
On the court I'm a hard serving flashy shot maker who is trying to become an Open level player.
Well the Open dream is dead. Age + arthritis have killed it. Just got bumped down to 3.5. Looking to work my way back to 4.0
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Roger Federer
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.0, NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player, bomber, acer, one-hander, gamer, choker, top-spinner, double faulter, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Northeastern University, Touhy Park, Clarendon Park, Hamlin Park, Northwestern University, Chase Park, Roosevelt Park.
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

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  • Don

    Geeze, you get up as early as I do. I had to run into work for two hours, then I'm playing the 15 year old I hit with at 9am. He's been so busy with his first school season we haven't hit in quite a while. I need to bring him back to reality and show him age rules over youth (ha,ha). Well shoot me a call later if you think you can get away later to hit. If I don't hear it it's because of mowing a lawn but I'll keep checking my phone just in case.
  • Don

    no problem, I kinda figured, or you were just affraid (ha,ha) Just kidding you. Some other time !
  • Tim

    Hey- not sure what your schedule looks like this weekend or if the weather is going to hold out but I would be up for playing saturday or sunday. Let me know if either of those work for ya. If not maybe sometime this week around 8pm or next weekend even
  • Tim

    Hey, how does 10:00 sound tomorrow. I can head up to touhy park if that works for you. Hopefully the rain will hold off.
  • Tim

    If you are coming from downtown would it be easier to hit somewhere closer? I know that humbolt park at California and North ave has a ton of courts as well as two courts as hamlin park at Wellington and Damen- those are just places close to me that i know of.

    If it's not raining and I dont hear back ill meet you at touhy. if you think another court would work send me a message and we can do that.
  • Don

    go figure, I'm actually playing in Lockport at 5pm, not at the club, but at the High school. We'll get it together sooner or later. Are you playing the Fitness forum?
  • Don

    How'd you like our club? I wanted to swing by and see how you hit, scout you out (ha ha). I had to get home to lift with my son. So you had a close match did you, what level mixed were you playing? I probably know the people that you played if they were from our club. Do you remember their names? I beat my 5.0 lady yesterday 6-0 6-0, I was hitting really good. Ya sooner or later we'll hit, are you a 4.0 or 4.5?
  • Don

    oh I probably dont know the people then, I know some 3.5 women and maybe even a couple 3.0 women, not any 3.0 or 3.5 guys. I play at 4.5. For some reason I thought you were of higher ranking, don't know why,
  • Dean Wright

    Thank you, and you can take any and all tracks you want!!
  • Don

    go figure, I wish you gave me more notice. I set my schedule almost a week out. I played tues, wed, 6 hours fri, 3 hrs sat, and im playing today from approx 11 - 1 maybe 1:15 in lockport. Even next week is planned, tues, wed, thurs, fri and sun, plus anymore that comes in. Romeoville is on my way home from lockport so I could hit at like 1:45 or 2 but that might be to late for you. I am assuming you wanted to hit before you visited your parents or something and 2 might be right in the middle of it. Here is my cell # 630) 209 - 4520, give me a call if this is doable and ill stop on my way home if it is.
  • Don

    Alright, Alright, I got ya Jazz, youre affraid to play me aren't ya? Well the lesson was gonna be free today so your loss (ha ha). Seriously now, that sucks, we just can't seem to hook up. How's your game goin? Mine is going good, as you read in my last email, I've been playing a ton so thats to be expected. Well we'll hook up sooner or later, not to much time left in the good weather though so plan another trip to your parents house soon. Oh ya, and when ya do, give me more notice if you can so we can definitely hit.
  • Diana

    Jazz - thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, I work all day and as of late have not had any time to play. I will get back to you once my schedule starts to free up a little.
  • Gabe

    Hey Jazz. I can play on Sunday or Monday of this week. Also, possibly Saturday. 10 AM is the best time for me. (3.5) What about you?
  • Gabe

    Tennis match @ Roosevelt courts off State and Roosevelt @9 am Saturday, Oct 10 --powered by Tennisopolis. Does that work? If you display your email, I will send you contact info for day-of coordination.
  • Gabe

    Any days that are sunny left this fall is good with me. Let me know. Just email me: gabrielvloss@yahoo.com. I played on Sunday and it wasn't too bad.
  • Don

    Hey Jazz,
    Unfortunately I can't play after 2 that day, have company coming over at 3.
  • Don

    Well that would work with me, but did you know it's supposed to be a high of 44 outside. At our club there is no court time available until after 1 due to kids group crap.
  • Don

    Oh ya, I forgot to ask you, do you know anyone looking for an expensive ball machine? It's not one of those $500 cheap models, I paid over $1.700 for it. I might have used it 6 times since I bought it a few years back. I had so many people wanting to play me I just never had or have time to use it, it just sits in my bedroom (wifey loves that) ha ha
  • Rachel

    yep yep it is, and thank you! xD
  • Don

    Ok Jazz, we'll hook up sooner or later, and how long have we been saying that now? (ha ha)
  • Don

    Hey Jazz,
    So how'd you do against my club? Do you remember the names of the players you played against, more then likely I know who they are? What level did you play at, 3.5 or 4.0?
  • Don

    Ya, if you give me more notice next time I'm sure we can work something out.
  • Don

    Ahhhhh, you played against Lily and her hubby huh, you picked a rough couple didn't you? Lily plays on the court next to me on Wed nights with some ladies, she's a good player, strong serve, good volleys. Baseline shots are good also, very unusual style, she gets to the ball but lets it drop lower like racquetball then strikes the ball. She'd love me with all my topspin (ha ha). I played against her and her husband once for fun, nice guy but I pissed him off when I used drop shots on him, he got there on the second bounce and then hit them so hard into the ceiling her ripped the material. Oh well, part of the game son (ha ha). He hits pretty good though. I played on Lily's team for a while, I think it was a 7.0 mixed, thought it would be fun "IT WASN'T" that is why I don't play team tennis. I play cause I love the sport, not just to win at any cost. Mixed doubles hitting the ball 9 out of 10 times at the woman or trying to take their heads off with shots instead of playing it like there were 4 men on the court, I really hated it. One match the guy was head hunting my partner, then the typical raise of the racquet and saying sorry, once is sorry, 3 / 4 times is not. I was border line going over the net and kicking the guys ass, I could care less about getting kicked out of a USTA league, didn't want to get kicked out of my club though, so I quit.
  • Mark / The Mayor

  • Bill

    will do -- if you here of any 3.0 -3.5 ladies looking for a partner for the tourney -- send them my way -- thanks!
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Thanks for rocking and stirring up conversation in the forum and on member's photos and pages. M
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Thanks for entering our Tennis Trip Giveaway. UPDATE: The drawing is set for February 28th. Before the deadline, be sure to earn all the entries you can: 3 new ways to earn extra entries:

    Follow tennisopolis on Twitter - (earns 1 extra entry)
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    #Giveaway: Win trip to Scottsdale Hyatt Regency. Inlcudes plane tix, Hyatt, and #tennis lessons for 2! Enter here: http://bit.ly/82ypI0

    Then post a comment on http://www.tennisopolis.com/profiles/blogs/win-a-tennis-trip-to claiming your extra entries and we will verify. Good luck!
  • Jane E Sleeth

    Hey sounds great. I may be in Chicago this June for the International Design exhibition and conference - I consult with Knoll so I would like to get there with them - love Chicago & a game of tennis will be great! Keep on hitting even if you say you "choke" - me too by the way! Jane
  • Don

    Hey Jazz, did you hit with that 5.0 lady Diana? Curious how good she is. I wanted to hit with her but Im anti-city. So are we going to hook up thins year over in Romeoville?
  • Don

    cool, well keep in touch so we can plan, last minute always screws us up
  • Gabe

    Still looking for a rematch bud. I got a bit better. Still need some work though. How about you?
  • Don

    Im still waiting (ha ha)
  • Gabe

    Hey Jazz, I actually just saw your message from July. Ha! I will send you an email.
  • Van Sias

    Thanks Jazz for the congrats!
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Cool Page! thanks for accepting my invite
  • Michael

    Sorry to take so long in reply - seems as soon as I thought I'd get a chance to get on the courts, work picked up and put tennis on hold. Still, to answer your question - YES, all is working again. Thanks for your help with this and the time required to check things out, field my questions, and troubleshoot. Sincerely appreciated.
  • Don

    Hi Jazz,
    Did you ever get the chance to play Lina? If so how was she?
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Jazz, do you ever hit at Ballys on 47th street in Chicago?  I just found that place the other day
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    I sometimes play that lunch league tennis they have on monday , wednesday, and friday from 11-1.  I hit with several people who were really good.  one guy had a prosthetic leg!  I hit regularly at River Trails, Heritage, and Hanover Park but I'll pretty much go just about anywere.
  • Myiesha Simmons

    I sure will Actualy Iam a Burks to My family is in Ill and Ms and Tenniswithd is agood guy as well
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Congrats! You are currently in the top 20 on the Leaderboard. Make your way to the top 5 for the month and win free tennis gear from The-Tennis-Store.com! Check out the Leaderboard Rewards contest, and then track your progress up the boards here:

    leaders for the month

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    Good luck!

  • Celeste M.

    Thanks for the suggestions Jazz - I'll check those places out and hopefully get my racquet restrung asap. I had a great time hitting with you yesterday - hope we have the chance to do it again soon!

  • Celeste M.

    Thanks for the link Jazz - see you sunday!
  • Don

    Hey Jazz, when you going to visit your parents in Romeoville so we can hit?
  • Don

    got your message, can you hit around 10 on Sunday morning in Romeoville? heres my number 1-630) 209-4520

  • Mark / The Mayor

    You still blogging? You got to drop another gem in here. We got a recent blog of D.s 650 views in a few days.
  • Shereef Zedan

    Yeah, for the most part indoor from now on unless we get a nice day. Let me know if you want to hit sometime. I'm looking for regular partners for singles and doubles. Cell is 312-543-6065 if you wanna call or text for arrangments. 

  • Shereef Zedan

    Yeah, Sunday morning would work. Just let me know ahead of time as its getting hard to book courts at Mcfetridge.

  • Greg S

    Hi Jazz, sent you a message re 4.5 team. We'd be happy to have you. Sending over the registration number now. 

  • Daniel Lee

    That sounds great. Let's keep in touch.


    4.0 player. I'd love to hit when the weather warms up!