Mary Jane


La Habra, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player
My favorite local courts:
La Habra Tennis Center, Pathfinder Park, Fullerton Tennis Center, CSUF
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! Welcome to Tennisopolis which connects you with your tennis network: players, fans, coaches, clubs and groups.

    What can you do here? At Tennisopolis, you can:

    - network with your tennis friends. Invite your tennis friends and build your network now.
    - meet new players. Here's a primer on how to find partners.
    - join a Group. Members have started over 400 Local Groups (and other types of Groups too.) Search for one in your area, or start your own.
    - follow the pros. There are over 1900 blog posts on Tennisopolis. Have a good read, or write your own.
    - improve your game. Get tips in the Forum and check out video lessons.
    - post your own Videos and add your own Photos.

    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 25,000 members. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
    Friend me!

  • Joe B. (BP, CA)

    Hi Mary Jane, my name is Joe.  Not sure if you're still active on this forum, but thought I'd try anyway.  I'm looking for people to play tennis with on Tuesdays and Thursdays after 5 p.m., and pretty much anytime on weekends.  I live in Buena Park and play at the courts in my apartment complex, or other local parks.  I would like to say I'm a 3.0, but not really sure.  If you're interested, leave me a comment on my page, and I'll get back to you.  Thanx!
  • Sam

    Works for me. Never played at the tennis center. To make sure, is it the one on Euclid?
  • Sam


    I just realized I can't play this Tuesday, but I'm open Wed. or Thur.  My wife has a different schedule just this week.  Sorry!  Hope we can still play.

  • Sam

    Thursday sounds good. Same place same time.
  • Duke C

    Hi Mary Jane, I can't play this week, but all of next week looks good right now. I live in brea and have courts near my house, but also happy to travel to the surrounding areas.
