


Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Tournament or League Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
MONTREAL, Plateau Mont Royal
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good
On the court, I am a:
rightie, doubles partner, singles player, two-hander
Relationship status:
Who Wants To Know?

Comment Wall:

  • Moe Haidar

    Hi julie,
    I am rightie too :) 3.5 - 4.0 level. I am looking for single and also mixed doubles. I normally play on jeane mance or parc lafontaine. I am open to other locations. I play couple of times a week. Let me know if you like to play some time
  • donny

    Salut Julie,

    C'est sympa que tu aies trouvé des courts avec un acces gratuit. Moi aussi je cherche des partenaires avec un bon niveau. J aime bien échanger, rigoler des énormités que l'on peut commettre sur un terrain et faire quelques parties.

    C'est qd tu veux...a plus

  • stanley

    Salut Julie
    peut tu jouer dimanche de 5-7 au stade uniprix
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! Welcome to Tennisopolis which connects you with your tennis network: players, fans, coaches, clubs and groups.

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    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 21,000 members and we're growing by 80 new members a day. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
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  • donny

    Bonjour Julie,

    je viens de voir ton message. Je joue déja mercredi avec un collègue de bureau. Si tu veux, on pourrait s'arranger pour Jeudi en fin journée puisque je passe la mienne dans foutu bureau.

    Au plaisir de te rencontrer

  • donny

    Et j'ai bien hate de jouer avec quelqu'un qui a un bon niveau

  • donny

    Salut Julie,

    Je joue finalement au parc Jeanne Mance ce soir a 18h

    Mais c'est certain qu'on se trouve un moment pour jouer!

    Hey there, could you play today?
  • donny

    Salut Julie,

    Veux tu jouer ce jeudi vers 18 ou 19 h, laisse moi savoir

  • stanley

    Salut Julie Peut tu jouer Vendredi
    Laisse moi savoir
  • meillassoux

    hy how are you ?

    ca va

    je cherche des joueurs de tennis ;

    je joue niveau 4;

    Je joue a lafontaine ou jarry ; je suis assez disponible.

    Dit moi quand te disponible.

  • Udeme

    Hi! I can play anytime, but need notice. When works for you? I've friends we can play doubles with too. I tried to send u a msg - this is the only way. Udeme
  • Nic

    Hi Julie,

    Unfortunately I won't be able to play this Monday. I just changed my racket this weekend and I have quite a hard time adapting... so I will need a few more days before I can play with anyone.

  • meillassoux


    I Play tennis as well in jeanne mance or jarry.

    Are you a good player , when are you available ?
  • donny

    Hi Julie,

    I would like to play with you as I'm looking for a partner to work onconsistency and a female ball hitter would be ideal. Testoterone gets in the way when two guys play. I would be playing already at 6 pm wednesday a parc jeanne mance maybe at 7 or on another day. let me know.

  • meillassoux

    hy julie,

    Bye any chance we can plan this afternoon or this evening if you are available.

    If you cant lets play wenesday can you book .

    Do you have a phone number in case.

    My is 514 572 69 22

  • Deluxe

    hi Julie, i have pretty mean forehand. if you'd like to take it up with a lady reach me at borndeluxe@hotmail.com.
  • meillassoux

    salut je suis francais je parle francais.Reserve pour 6 heures jeanne mance ou jepeux le faire si tu veux , on peux jouer une ou deux .Tiens moi au courant

  • meillassoux

    hy did you book for tomorow.

    Let me know

  • donny

    100% Potential? The pressure is on somebody here! Yes I could play on thursday but i think it will be raining. Let me know what's best for you as I worlk downtown close to Jeanne Mance.


  • donny

    It s okay for friday. Would you mind reserve the court.

    Thanks and see you on Friday

  • meillassoux

    oui c est bon a la fontaine aussi.Je peux a 17h aussi.

    si tu veux je peux appeller a jarry aussi

    tiens moi au courant
  • donny

    Hi Julie,

    My partner for tomorow dumped me. Can you play at 18h. Let me know quickly.

    It would nice tomorow
  • meillassoux

    salut ,

    as tu reussi a reserver ou pas.

    Sinon des fois si on se presente au tennis 15 min avant l heure on a des chances d' avoir un terrain sans reservation.
    Il y a de la place en interrieur sinon au stade uniprix c est 10$ de l ' heure

    Tiens moi au courant

    514 572 69 22

    Hello Julie, would you like to play with me, this Friday afternoon?
    Answer me.

    Hello Julie, during the week I'm able just on Friday, but on Saturday or on Sunday I'm available if you want.

    For me la Fountaine is perfect!!
  • donny

    Hi Julie,

    I did not bring my tennis gear to work so I would have to go home and get it. I guess we could play around 7 pm. I leave in Villeray area but there is no problem for me to move around the city. If 7 pm is fine with you, you could book anywhere and let me know.

    Ah... Damned partners
  • donny

    Hi Julie,

    Well to bad for tonite. I thought we were playing this friday. Could you please comfirm.


  • meillassoux

    salut Julie,

    Je serais la , t inquiéte pas.

    Si je trouve pas les terrains je t ' appelle.

  • donny

    Hi Julie,

    Thank you for booking the court. I will be at the court at around 17h45. Don't forget to bring your 100% potential.


  • Danielle Hitti


    I can play today at Parc Jeanne-Mance at 5 or 6 or 7.
    Can you make it?
  • meillassoux

    salut julie,

    On a pas eut de chance avec le temps ce weekend,Ne nous décourageons pas.

    Je peux jouer les matins mardi et mercredi.

    Jeudi et vendredi un peux quand tu veux et samedi et dimanche aprés 16H.

    Tiens moi au courant de ton horaire pour que l' on programme une confrontation.

    A plus


    514 572 69 22
  • meillassoux


    Samedi serait parfait pour moi vers 16 heure au terrain ou tu m as dis.

    Qu en penses tu ?

  • Christina

    Hi Julie,

    I came accross your wall post. A woman with pretty damn good tennis skills that can play at Jeanne Mance.. Im curious and all up for it!
    I started playing again this month and am just looking for partners with a good caliber and hitting speed.
    Dont hesitate to contact me with your availabilities. Friday or the weekends are good for me
  • meillassoux

    Salut peux tu confirmer que tu peux jouer samedi au terrain dont tu mas parlé ou alors dimanche ou encore lundi.

    J' attends de tes nouvelles, en espérant qu' il pleuve pas;

    514 572 69 22
  • Anas

    hi, do you guys play tennis sometimes,I have stopped playing long time and I am looking to play with ppl who are good to help me refresh my skills, it is only the very beggining. Please let me know if you still playing.
  • Christina

    Cela tombe bien..
    Sunday is actually the only day that im free this week and it is suppose to be sunny too!

    Say Jeanne Mance Sunday at 12ish? I wonder if we can book a court 2 days in advance as Montreal Accès cardholder..
  • Linfei

    Hi, how are you? I'm looking for an advance tennis partner to hit some balls together. My level is 4.0+ and I played in some league tournaments. My schedule is flexible, if you're interested, please get back... Thanks.
  • sheikh refayat rahman

    I want to play with u. if U want u can call me to my number . 5146925471.
    best wishes
  • Martin

    how are you ? I would like to play tennis. Let me know if you are interested.
    Thank you
  • meillassoux

    Salut julie comment ca va ?

    joues tu toujours au tennsi.

    Si ca dit de jouer fait moi signe.

    je suis assez dispo envoie moi un text quand tu veux jouer.

    A plus

  • pablo perez

    julie im new in town looking for partner can you play